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American Indians PRAY for Horse-Slaughter PlantsTarget:The National Congress of American IndiansSponsored by: Friends of Equines Society FOES of Equine Slaughter
Americans dont eat horses. Polls taken over the years have consistantly shown that most Americans find the thought of eating horseflesh reprehensible. Nevertheless, despite Americas abhorance to the notion of eating horses, America continues to be the worlds largest exporter of horses for human consumption abroad.
Currently, there is a bill in the United States Congress that would
protect our American Horses from slaughter for human consumption.
The bill, HR 503, would also protect them from being exported to other countries for slaughter. HR 503 is a very popular bill, not only with the majority of the American people but with a majority of legislators too.
Our opponents are few but powerful, that is, they have the money to influence the vote in DC., and they do. (It only takes ONE wrongway
vote to kill a bill)
Last summer, The National Congress of American Indians quietly
submitted to our U.S. Congress, "invoking the devine blessing of the
creator upon their efforts,"... a proposal to amend HR 503, our National anti-horse slaughter bill. They are seeking to include an ammendment
that will allow for the building of horse-slaughter plants on Indian lands. You can read the full text of the proposed amendment below;
Signers we urge you to please contact the National Congress of American Indians to tell them what you think of their idea. Below is a link to their site;
Remind them of the story of "Horse-Slaughter Camp" where, during the 1840's, the U.S. Cavalry captured a band of Palouse Indians along with a large herd of their prized horses. The Indians were horrified when the soldiers began to mercilessly slaughter their entire herd of 800 horses.
To save bullets, the babies were clubbed in the head. Here is an excerpt from a witness to the massacre;
The defeated Indians wondered what nature of mankind could kill horses -- stallions, geldings, mares, and colts -- in such a cold-blooded manner? They never forgot the horse slaughter
"What monsters could do such a thing," they thought.
Surley there must be a better way for our Native American friends and neighbors to make a living.. Do they really have to rely on the blood of
our American Horses to improve their lot? We dont think so and we are shocked to know that even some American Indians do. Are these pro-horse slaughter Indians a minority? We hope so! Let the voices of the anti-horse slaughter Indians be heard.
While cultures and customs vary, all Native American Indian beliefs are rooted in Animism, meaning that they believe(d) the universe was bound together by the spirits within ALL natural life, from plants, animals, humans, water, and even the Earth itself. Thus it would seem that the slaughtering of horses by Indians to satisfy the whitemans greed would go against that religion. In otherwords, its ungodly.
There are other, better ways to generate income. Moreover, The
American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus) includes approximately $3 billion that will go toward direct tribal programs,
another $500 million will be available in financing provisions, and a
number of programs include tribes as eligible recipients.
How about we build our National Equine Rescue on their lands or even our National Wild Horse Sanctuary / Park?
Surely something like that would be more in line with Native American religious beliefs.
We are imploring our Native American friends and neighbors, by this petition, to re-think their postion on horse-slaughter, and to come to
their senses and to adhere to their religious beliefs that all life is sacred, and help us to PRESERVE the lives of our American horses instead of assisiting the whiteman in sending them to needless, senseless,
merciless slaughter.
There is an Indian legend which says: "When a human dies there is a bridge they must cross to enter into Heaven. At the head of that bridge waits every animal that human encountered during their lifetime. The animals, based on what they know of this person, decide which humans may cross the bridge...and which are turned away. "
Thank you signers for taking the time, but mostly, thank you for caring about the terrible plight of our American Horses today.
May the Spirit of the Horse Go With You
Warrior Woman.
Note: Pro Slaughter posts will be deleted. This is not a debate forum.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ~ Thomas Jefferson

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ...Margaret Mead
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. ~ Thomas Jefferson

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ...Margaret Mead
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