Reposted with thanks to:*TINA*
FEDERAL: Here is a link to get you started on finding out about FEDERAL bills and who the reps and sponsors are to certain bills. This information is free to the public. You can search by key words. Some animal organizations have a listing of certain bills. However, many aren't listed on their sites. There are pro-animal protection bills that DO get passed by small groups of individuals, and even one person alone, that are not listed or promoted by large organizations.
STATE: Call your legislative branch ~ House or Senate Clerk ~ ask them how to find a list of current or pending bills on a topic (animal protection/animal cruelty etc.). Some states may have websites that are complex but have current or pending bills (house or senate) with searches (you can list key words). Every state is different. Others may refer you to a committee and you can ask that office how to find a listing of pending bills currently on 'your subject' and who the creator/sponsor is, to get involved.
Large organizations that make oodles of money are not politically active, nor are they very politically supportive of those creating and passing bills. There are many pro-animal bills and anti-cruelty bills in all states pending and being created, by representatives, senators, and individuals. These bills go unnoticed and unsupported by large organizations and even small animal organizations as many animal advocates hide contact lists and want to outdue each other (based on naive ego) and make money from members. They do not network or get political which is why there are few laws and animals continue to suffer, despite so many people being upset that 'nothing is being done.' So, if you care about animals...:
ONLINE petitions are useless. Nobody in business, politics or government even looks at them or acknowledges them. Save your energy. Signing petitions for the seals is doing nothing to stop the seal slaughter and never will. However, large organizations put out petitions as a way to make money from members and potential members so that people think that something is being done. It's not. Put your energy elsewhere. Online petitions are generally a waste of time.
CALL your legislators, and speak with someone personally. This goes for ANY campaign. Minimally write a letter. A typed and signed letter, sent in the mail, is hugely superior to an email. Call, Letter snail mail, then email. Ideally, do ALL three. But CALL first with a follow up letter. Emails are a step above online petitions, but usually go unnoticed. It's very easy to make the phone calls. Do it. If there is a bill pending, continue to call to check progress (it expresses your interest and support) and have others do the same.
Do NOT assume a bill is Federal unless someone tells you it is. There are STATE bills and FEDERAL bills. If a bill is a STATE bill it is vital you get involved and call legislators in your STATE, specifically in your district. Representatives do NOT care if you are not a constituent of theirs, and not in their district. Do not waste your time contacting legislators who do not represent you. Do NOT call or email regarding bills not relevant to your state. It's ineffective and a waste of time.
STATE: For any STATE bills, contact your STATE legislators by phone AND letter (make sure you are registered to vote and you are in their district). By all means, tell them their position related to a bill will determine if you vote for them at an election. Again, continue to follow up on bills, as many bills will go into a committe (and never come out). Often representatives/senators have to be urged to get a bill out of a committee by showing their support for the bill. Also, your legislator may be on the committee where the bill is pending.
FEDERAL: If the bill is Federal, then contact your FEDERAL legislators by making phone calls and sending letters. Contact both senators and representatives, even if the bill is in the house only or senate because if the bills get voted on and pass, both Senators and Reps will end up voting on the bill and they should know where you stand.
*If you are good at speaking or confident enough, even if you've never done it before, there are usually public hearings on bills pending; especially if they affect people in business or exploit animals to make a profit. Contact any person behind the bill to get involved. They need you. Go to these hearings and speak and/or show support. You will be more than surprised when you go to a hearing and the room will be filled with opposition. The rooms are filled at hearings with people who fight bills on animal protection. You will wonder 'where are all the animal people?' They are rarely, if ever, at these hearings. Again, these hearings are open to the public. Anybody can go and express support for a bill. People who created the bills and have gotten legislators to sponsor and co-sponsor the bills need your help and for you to attend such hearings. (There are also hearings at 'Game' and Fish and Wildlife committees regarding hunting regulations and seasons. These too are often open to the public).
Because many large organizations do not support 'little' people or the small organizations creating and trying to pass animal protective legislation, and because too many in animal 'protection' (what a misnomer) want to compete with each other, there is a HUGE lack of information on bills. Also, there is not a lot of accurate, up to date, information on those bills that are acknowledged. Large animal organizations often will shockingly oppose pro-animal/anti-cruelty bills because of their own vested financial interests! (They want to make money).
So again, make Phone Calls, Write Letters. Make sure a Bill is STATE or FEDERAL. Contact the correct legislators. To find out more on a bill and who created it ~ contact the organization, sponsor and/or co-sponsor of the bill. Contact THOSE individuals to see what you can do and get involved.
There are many bills write now to end Gas Chambers for Shelter Animals. None of these bills are being supported by HSUS, nor is HSUS promoting or sending information on these bills to thier members. In MA, there is a bill pending to Ban Devocalization of Dogs and Cats. Not only did the two people behind GREY2K not share their email/contact lists and show no support, Mass Animal Rights Coalition also has not posted anything about it to their members, nor have they shown support (though they were asked to help and support it). This is all too common in every state and city. 'Little groups' compete with each other. They do not get 'active' politically and they do not share information with other members or activists. And that is why pro-animal bills are killed.
The opposition is always networking, sharing email lists, sharing contacts, updating each other, and rallying behind each other. They (whether they are breeders, hunters, trappers, elephant beaters) are always forming 'alliances,' calling legislators, meeting with legislators personally, and attending hearings. They do not fight each other, nor 'nitpick.' They work together.
Animal 'Rights' will only be taken seriously when there are laws protecting animals. has a partial listing of bills, both State and Federal. Call and write your legislators in support of such legislation.
Note To My Critics:
The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans.

Friday, April 17, 2009
How to get Political for Animals and Be Effective ♥
Posted by Denbeath at 9:38 PM
Labels: Animal Law, anti-cruelty bills, legislation, pro-animal bills
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