Great Ape Protection Act, H.R.
Thank you for contacting me to share your support for the Great Ape Protection Act, H.R. 1326. I am a cosponsor of this legislation, and a strong supporter of animal protection issues.
Great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans) are highly intelligent animals with complex social and psychological needs that simply cannot be met in captivity. Yet, despite their ineffectiveness as a research model for humans, and regardless of the fact that it costs $20 to $25 million annually in taxpayer money to fund chimpanzee research, approximately 1,200 chimpanzees continue to reside in small cages to be “used” for invasive research.
Many chimpanzees aren’t being utilized for research and end up languishing in laboratories for decades, while some are subjected to painful experimental procedures such as “knock downs” - injecting or darting them with anesthetic - biopsies, isolation, and injection with viruses. More than 90% have lived in these circumstances for more than a decade.
Chimpanzees in research facilities can exhibit problems from depression to heightened aggression and even self-mutilation. Despite the pain it inflicts, invasive research on chimpanzees has questionable scientific utility, as chimps have historically proven ineffective models for humans. Additionally, because of the high cost of their maintenance and ethical concerns with using them in invasive research, experiments on chimpanzees involve sample sizes too small to predict the safety or effectiveness of new drugs. With so many promising advances in the field of medical research technology, this is a funding source that could be applied to more constructive programs and resources.
H.R. 1326, The Great Ape Protection Act, would give these primates, our closest living relatives, a humane retirement while spending taxpayer money more wisely. This legislation would (1) phase out the use of chimpanzees in invasive research over a three-year period, (2) provide for the permanent retirement of government-owned and supported chimpanzees to the national sanctuary system Congress established under the Chimpanzee Health Improvement Maintenance and Protection (CHIMP) Act in 2000, and (3) codify the current moratorium on breeding of federally-owned chimpanzees for research.
Many research facilities have already voluntarily ceased breeding chimpanzees for research, recognizing it is an inefficient use of funding. The public and scientific community, as well as England, Sweden, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Austria, and Japan - have all banned or limited invasive research on great apes.
I am hopeful that Congress will end this cruelty by enacting the Great Ape Protection Act.
Member Of Congress, 7th District

Sign the Petition to End Chimpanzee Research
and Support our World Solidarity Campaign
While other nations have enacted bans and limitations on the use of chimpanzees and other great apes in research, the U.S. remains the single largest user of chimpanzees in the world.
Project R&R works for the release and restitution of all chimpanzees in all U.S. labs. In solidarity with U.S. efforts, organizations and individuals from countries around the globe can help.
Please sign the petition(s) below and show your support today!
Thank you!
*Sign the U. S. Petition to End Chimpanzee Research in the U. S.
*Important: send a message to your legislator and ask them to cosponsor the Great Ape Protection Act!
Canadian citizens:
Sign the Canadian Solidarity Petition to Ban Chimpanzee Research in Canada
citizens (including Canadians):
Sign our World Solidarity Petition to End Chimpanzee Research in the U. S.
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