All animals are precious and deserving of love, respect and when needed....a helping hand.
Note To My Critics:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Posted by Denbeath at 5:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Ecuador & Bolivia Grant Mother Earth Strong Constitutional & Legal Rights
Enlightenment...but not in America, in America Nature & Animal remain 'resources' to exploit.
What is “Right’s of Nature”?
Ecuador Adopts “Rights of Nature” in Their Constitution
See the entire “Universal Declaration Of Rights Of Mother Earth” here
The Law of Mother Earth: Behind Bolivia’s historic bill
** Please note that this bill was passed on the 22nd April 2011 which was Earth Day**- the right to maintain the integrity of life and natural processes
- the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered
- the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration
- the right to pure water
- the right to clean air
- the right to balance, to be at equilibrium
- the right to be free of toxic and radioactive pollution
- the right to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities
Turkey Is Now Debating An Ecological Change To Their Constitution.
Posted by Denbeath at 6:41 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 30, 2011
A Sweet Story of A Mouse's Rescue.
By Marguerite White of England
One evening, our kitten was playing and as I walked past, I saw something very little. I bent down and saw that it was a very still mouse, so I gently pushed it into my empty teacup. I didn’t want to go get anything else to catch it, just in case another cat pounced on it. The kitten was just staring at it and I think he was waiting for it to move. The mouse seemed all right and it was late evening, so I found a container to put it in until morning. I never saw an injury but could see that it was frozen with fear.
The mouse was all right in the morning, so I got a cage out of the shed, which had plenty of room. I added grass and shredded paper and a small container of water. I also sprinkled gerbil food. I didn’t know much about what mice ate, so I improvised. It seemed to thrive and we had the little one for more than three weeks. I knew it was time to let it go when it had become bigger and stronger, so I reluctantly took the cage into the garden and went to a shady covered area with loads of shrubbery. After I released the mouse, I put the cage contents near it so it felt safe and said, “Goodbye little mouse. I hope you find your family.”
Some Harm. Others Rescue.
What’s most remarkable about Marguerite’s story is that she showed compassion for a small creature that many others treat with contempt. Because mice are so often the victims of intensely cruel traps and poisons, it is truly refreshing to look to Marguerite’s example of compassion.
Posted by Denbeath at 10:57 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
GA Man Starts Pet Food Bank
Greatest Person of the Day: Tom Wargo - Lilburn-Mountain Park, GA Patch
Greatest Person of the Day: Tom WargoTom Wargo runs Daffy's Pet Soup Kitchen, the first nonprofit food bank for pets.
Fourteen years ago, food banks told Tom Wargo his idea to stock pet food for the needy was unnecessary.
“I said, 'I'll build shelves, I'll build a storage unit, I'll build
something at your location and then I'll stock it with pet food, so that
if people come in, you can give them pet food,'" the Lilburn resident
They wouldn’t budge, so Wargo decided in 1997 to start his own
nonprofit, the SOS Club, to meet the need. He bought pet food with his
own money and gave it to people straight from his truck. Wargo says the
dogs and cats he helped feed were often the only good thing in their
owners’ lives.
“The people that I was helping were going to the local co-ops and
local food banks to get people food, and they would bring the people
food home and feed their animals with it,” he said. “They're not going
to let their animals starve, they're not going to kill them at the
pound, so they're going to feed them, just like if you have kids.”
The effort expanded in 2008 when Wargo started Daffy’s Pet Soup
Kitchen in Lawrenceville to give SOS a a physical location. It’s become
one of the largest pet food banks in the nation, providing 600,000
pounds of food last year for dogs, cats and other pets in more than 60
counties in Georgia. Provisions include prescription food for pets with
diseases such as diabetes or cancer.
A number of other Daffy’s locations and similar organizations have
since popped up across the nation, although the Lawrenceville
headquarters -- which will soon move to Lilburn -- remains the largest.
Wargo also cares about preventing unwanted pets. Daffy’s requires
pets to be spayed or neutered in order for their people to get pet food,
and helps by directing people to centers that offer the services at a
“If you can’t afford one [dog], you definitely can’t afford one plus 10 puppies,” he said.
Adding to his todo list, Wargo also rescues pets during natural disasters.
“When the tornadoes hit in northwest Georgia, I’m up there trapping
cats, two and a half hours away, staying in a dumpy hotel because most
of them got wiped out by the tornado,” he said. He brought in about
15,000 pounds of food for the April crisis.
Wargo says he wants to keep Daffy’s growing and keep spreading the
word about spaying and neutering so that fewer animals wind up being
abandoned and ultimately put down.
“If you come to us for help,” he said, “your dog gets to stay at home
and stay happy, he’s sleeping in his bed with you, and he’s fed. He’s
For more information, check out Daffy's website.
(Editor's Note: This article is featured on Huffington Post as part of its Greatest Person of the Day series.)
Posted by Denbeath at 7:24 AM 2 comments
Labels: Pet food bank, Pets
Friday, September 30, 2011
Posted by Denbeath at 2:01 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
It’s Time to Replace Animals in Harmful, Painful Experiments
Orignal Article Here: It%26%238217%3Bs+Time+to+Replace+Animals+in+Harmful%2C+Painful+Experiments

Posted by Denbeath at 10:13 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Cows Enjoy Music
One of my Blogger Friends posted a link to this site and it impressed on me how the non-human animal responds to 'art' thought to be enjoyed only by Humans. Something to think about.
Posted by Denbeath at 1:18 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Recipes: Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pumpkin Muffin, Vegan Icing, whipped Cream
Posted by Denbeath at 1:26 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Women Break Into Burning Seattle Home To Rescue Dogs
Women Break Into Burning Seattle Home To Rescue Dogs
SEATTLE -- Two dogs are safe Monday morning after two women broke into a burning house.
Karen and Kimberly Swenson-Jacobs were driving down Martin Luther King Way South near East Pine Street when they saw the home on fire. They broke into the home and saved the Staffordshire Terriers.
"It doesn't seem real," Kim told Central District News of the ordeal. "I am not an impulsive person; I am a very logical person."
She added that, "I would do it again in a second."
No word yet on what caused the fire.

Posted by Denbeath at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Ban Horrifying Animal Abuse Videos in the Philippines
NOTE: I know there are people out there who dislike PETA but I hope those that do can get past their dislike enough to 'hear' the message. Personally, I could never do the investigate work that their agents do, I am not strong enough to even watch the videos... so I admire, respect and appreciate these people who are able to perfore their duties in spite of the sounds, site and smells of the horrors that surely scar them. For the animals, it's all about the animals...
After a year-long investigation by PETA Asia-Pacific and the National Bureau of Investigations, police have now charged a Philippine couple with cruelty to animals and other crimes related to producing a series of pornographic videos in which young girls torture and kill animals. Faced with the charges, suspects Dorma and Vic Ridon have fled. Warrants have been issued for them.

WARNING: Graphic descriptions follow.
The "crush" videos that the Ridons are believed to have produced show scantily clad 12-year-old girls as they stomp on live animals, a rabbit as he or she is skinned alive, other rabbits as they scream while their ears are cut off and they are set on fire, a dog as he or she is burned with a clothes iron, and a monkey who was repeatedly hit in the eye with the sharp end of a stiletto heel. There is more, including puppies crushed until they vomited their own internal organs. A bill currently in the Philippine Senate would criminalize the sale of such "crush videos," already illegal in the U.S. and other countries.
PETA Asia-Pacific is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of Dorma and Vic Ridon. Anyone with information on the couple can e-mail and we will pass it along. You can also make a donation to PETA Asia-Pacific to help the group fight cruelty to animals in this case as well as in many others.
Written by Michelle Sherrow
Posted by PETA

WARNING: Graphic descriptions follow.
The "crush" videos that the Ridons are believed to have produced show scantily clad 12-year-old girls as they stomp on live animals, a rabbit as he or she is skinned alive, other rabbits as they scream while their ears are cut off and they are set on fire, a dog as he or she is burned with a clothes iron, and a monkey who was repeatedly hit in the eye with the sharp end of a stiletto heel. There is more, including puppies crushed until they vomited their own internal organs. A bill currently in the Philippine Senate would criminalize the sale of such "crush videos," already illegal in the U.S. and other countries.
PETA Asia-Pacific is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of Dorma and Vic Ridon. Anyone with information on the couple can e-mail and we will pass it along. You can also make a donation to PETA Asia-Pacific to help the group fight cruelty to animals in this case as well as in many others.
Written by Michelle Sherrow
Posted by Denbeath at 10:57 AM 2 comments
Labels: animal abuse, Asia, PETA
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Concealed Cruelty - Pork Industry
Posted by Denbeath at 5:32 PM 4 comments
Labels: animal abuse, factory farms, pigs, pork, pork industry
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Woman in China roasts puppy alive
Woman in China roasts puppy alive | SingaporeScene - Yahoo! News
A woman in China has been captured on photograph roasting a live puppy over an open fire, using what appears to be a portable stove.
The Chinese woman is said to have roasted the dog near the entrance of Kengkou market, in Guangzhou. (Screengrab …
The gruesome incident is reported to have taken place at Kengkou market in Guangzhou, according to an article carried on Chinese website chinaSmack.The woman is seen grilling the live puppy with a pair of tongs, in front of a small crowd, including children. After a while, the dog's body appeared stiff and its skin slightly charred.
Respondents on the website were horrified by her actions.
One user known as VIP posted a comment, "Are you still human? Think for a moment, how would you feel if you were roasted alive/barbecued alive?"
Another who wanted to be known as Love, said, "What's wrong with people these days? They don't even seem like people/human anymore."
This abuse comes hot on the heels of another animal abuse case in Indonesia where live cattle exports were subjected to mistreatment.
On 31 May, it was reported the Australian government suspended live cattle exports to Indonesian abattoirs after a television program showed videos of cattles being unnecessarily whipped and left to bleed to death after their throats were cut using blunt knives.
The videos were recorded by Lyn White, a former police officer and campaign director of the animal welfare group Animals Australia. It is understood that the said abattoirs are located in Jakarta, Bogor, Bandar Lampung and Medan.
It's understood Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered an investigation of slaughterhouses in the country, saying, "We have to highly respect animal welfare."
Follow Yahoo! News on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.
Warning: Pictures below may be disturbing.
Two women seen roasting the puppy using what looks like a portable stove. (Screengrab from

Posted by Denbeath at 2:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 27, 2011
Heartbreaking Video: Seal Hunt
Monsters ARE real. They walk upright, on two legs.
Posted by Denbeath at 10:20 AM 2 comments
Labels: baby seal slaughter, Monters
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Live Chicken Vending Machine
When shoppers in a Frankfurt shopping center walked up to a curious vending machine called the "Egg Machine," most thought they would be walking away with candy eggs. Instead they came face-to-face with a vending machine filled with live chickens.
The machine was the brainchild of NOAH, an animal rights organization and an advertising agency called Publicis Frankfurt.
The purpose of the clever scheme was to make the public aware of the inhumane living conditions of battery-caged hens.
Posted by Denbeath at 9:37 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 13, 2011
What You Do Matters
Jordan Peterson on difficult truth
Published Date: 01/21/2009 | Length: 00:50 |Jordan Peterson hails from Northern Alberta. He taught at Harvard before he joined the University of Toronto. He is a professor of psychology and a practicing psychologist. Jordan Peterson is the author of Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, a magisterial study of origins of mythology.(Recorded on June 05,2007)
Jordan Peterson's website
Posted by Denbeath at 9:47 PM 0 comments
I think this is fascinating
Big Ideas - Jordan Peterson
Published Date: 12/13/2008 | Length: 42:35 |
Posted by Denbeath at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
On The Divine, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
![]() |
Photo: Gate at Buchenwald |
NOTE: I very often sit and wonder about 'The Human Condition'. My husband who was literally a Genius would tirelessly indulge me when I would broach the subject again and again and again. He was an Atheist and at the time I was not, I still believed in God. I no longer do. The longer I live and the more wanton destruction of 'life', the capacity of man's cruelty that I see & hear of has crushed my ability to believe that a loving god could possibly exist. -But- that's just my opinion and thoughts on the matter. I Read this poem by Goethe today and the first word that popped into my mind was 'incongruent' . I will say no more.
The slogan: Jedem das Seine (literally "to each his own", but figuratively "everyone gets what he deserves”).
Let man be noble,
Generous and good;
For that alone
Distinguishes him
From all the living
Beings we know.
Hail to the unknown
Higher beings
Of our intuition!
Let man resemble them;
Let his example
Teach us to believe in them.
For the realm of nature
Is unfeeling;
The sun sheds its light
Over evil and good
And the moon and the stars
Shine on the criminal
As on the best of us.
The wind and the rivers
The hail and the thunder
Storm on their way
And snatch one victim
After another
As they rush past.
So too does blind fortune
Grope through the crowd, now
Seizing a young boy’s
Curly-haired innocence
And now the bald pate
Of the old and guilty.
As great, everlasting,
Adamantine laws
Dictate, we must all
Complete the cycles
Of our existence.
Only mankind
Can do the impossible:
He can distinguish,
He chooses and judges,
He can give permanence
To the moment.
He alone may
Reward the good
And punish the wicked;
He may heal and save
And usefully bind
All that strays and wanders.
And we revere
The immortals, as if
They were human beings
Who do on a great scale
What little the best of us
Does or endeavors.
Let the noble man
Be generous and good,
Tirelessly achieving
What is just and useful:
Let him be a model
For those beings whom he surmises.
Translation (German to English) by David Luke
Posted by Denbeath at 7:22 PM 1 comments
Video: Elk Playing In A Puddle ~ Animal Emotions
If the non-human animals is capable of expressing sheer joy in play then it stands to reason they are also capable of feeling this Elk experiencing joy.
How do we justify the horrible things we do to the non-human animal"? I say there is no justification.
Posted by Denbeath at 11:47 AM 2 comments
Labels: animal emotions
Friday, April 22, 2011
Why Did The Fed Write Criminals A $42 Million Check?
Called the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, the spill caused the death of 11 rig workers, hundreds of endangered marine animals, and spoiled countless miles of beach and marshes.
Although BP is currently the focus of a federal criminal investigation for its part in the disaster, the Department of Defense saw fit to award Air BP, a division of BP Products North America, a $42 million contract to supply fuel to Dover Air Force Base for the next month and a half.
An investigative report from identified this particular deal as "an unusual and compelling urgency" contract, which means the government would be "seriously injured"and national security could be at risk unless the Defense Logistics Agency was permitted to "limit the number of sources from which it solicits bids or proposals."
Truthout's Jason Leopold writes that "according to government contracting regulations, 'an unusual and compelling urgency precludes full and open competition' and 'delay in award of a contract would result in serious injury, financial or other, to the Government.'"
In laymens terms, this means the government just handed BP a $42 million check with almost no competing bids from other companies.
Leopold's investigation also discovered that EPA talks about possibly debarring or limiting BP from receiving additional government contracts after the deadly Deepwater horizon explosion "went nowhere" largely because the federal government relies too heavily on BP to meet its needs.
"...ultimately what it came down to was a lack of interest in holding this company accountable," one EPA official said.
According to, which tracks government contracts, BP was awarded 52 government contracts worth $56.5 million for fiscal year 2011 to supply fuel, gas, and other petroleum products to agencies such as the Defense Department and Department of Health and Human Services. From fiscal year 2006 through 2010, BP received 707 government contracts worth nearly $7 billion.
It's hard to wrap one's mind around the hypocrisy and utter betrayal of the governments decision to coddle an environmental terrorist like BP. A terrorist that cost American taxpayers over $10 billion dollars while reporting millions of dollars in profit for 2010.
The government seems to think the American people are too lazy or too stupid to realize that this is a gross injustice to the people and animals whose lives were destroyed because of BP's "lack of a safety culture."
Once again, it's imperitive that people rise up and demand that companies like BP, Transocean, Cameron International and Halliburton are held accountable for their actions like any other criminal.
Push aside your discouragement, and reaffirm your resolve. Sign a petition, write a letter to your congressperson, call the White House. Most importantly vote with your dollar and REFUSE to finance the greedy practices of BP or any of its other brand names.
Related Reading:
Gulf Oil Spill: 10 Horrifying Facts You Never Wanted To Know
Environment Beyond BP: Politics, Policy and Power
Scientists Link Mass Dolphin Deaths To BP Oil Spill
Posted by Denbeath at 6:58 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Evil *Graphic Video*
I have no words for this, only tears.....
Let man be noble,
Generous and good;
For that alone
Distinguishes him
From all the living
Beings we know.
Posted by Denbeath at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Labels: dairy, dairy calves, evil
The Fate of Dairy Calves: A texas Farm
I don't need to add any narrative to this as the video speaks for itself. What I do need to point out is that Agribusiness is pushing for a law that makes filming these atrocities a Felony and The Corporate Owned Slime that are Lawmakers will no doubtfully pass into law. What kind of a country do we live in when exposing atrocities perpetrated on living beings become a the Felony and not the act itself ?
Evil doesn't like when a light shines on it.
Agriculture Industry Pushes To Make Undercover Filming Of Farm Animal Abuse Illegal
Posted by Denbeath at 7:14 AM 2 comments
Labels: animal abuse, dairy calves