- While I was visiting veganthis blogspot, there was a blog about a newly launched, absolutely incredible website for the animal rights movement,

You gotta check out Nothing I can write can give justice to this amazing website and resource for activists. This new website will, by itself, substantially empower the animal rights movement. No doubts about it. Simply amazing. Repost and spread the buzz about it!
Also, if you haven't checked out what is happening with the AETA 2, AETA 4, and Jordan Halliday (Grand Jury Resister), I encourage you to inform yourself and to support them.
Support BJ & Alex (the "AETA 2")
BJ & Alex's trial starts on July 27th. They are facing up to a maximum of six years in prison for allegedly freeing and attempting to free animals from execution. Alex Hall needs legal funds! $2500 more needed to reach goal!
Add as a MySpace Friend: Support BJ & Alex
Visit & Send Support at the Support BJ & Alex Website
Watch the Video Mink Indictments Against Utah Activists (Support BJ & Alex)
Support the AETA 4
The AETA 4's next court date is July 13th. The AETA 4 needs your help to fight criminalization.. of free speech and political activities! The first amendment is our right!
Add as a MySpace Friend: AETA 4
Visit & Send Support at the AETA 4 Website
Watch the Video FBI Criminalizing Free Speech, (Support the AETA 4)
Support Jordan Halliday
Jordan Halliday was held in jail for over 110 days for "civil contempt of court". He is now facing "criminal contempt of court". Why? Because he refuses to testify and cooperate with abusive grand juries, and because he refuses to let his first amendment and fifth amendment rights be undermined.
Add as a MySpace Friend: Support Jordan Halliday
Visit & Send Support at the Support Jordan Halliday Website
Watch the Video Grand Juries & Resistance (Support Jordan Halliday)
Visit Media for Animal Liberation - MySpace
Watch Media for Animal Liberation - Videos
-..-..-..-------------- Media for Animal Liberation -..-..-..--------------

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