Your compassionate attention can help stop animal cruelty and strengthen the Animal Protection Law in Korea.
By CARE- KoreaA series of shocking cruelties to animals, which are unparalleled and unprecedented to date, were recently reported in Korea. We therefore urge the Korean government to strengthen the Korean Animal Protection Law so that these cruelties can be prevented from happening again. Korea remains one of the few places in the world where dog meat is still eaten. The horrific conditions in which dogs are raised for meat on farms - as documented in Incheon City - are tragically all too common in Korea, as is also the case with pet breeding farms.Worse still, the proposed amendment to the Animal Protection Law, which is still far behind general global standards, fails to include basic provisions to prevent cruelty to animals. While the Korean Government’s economic development efforts are consistently substantial, it does virtually nothing to prevent cruelty to animals. The amended bill falls short of even Taiwan’s Animal Protection Law, which was revised 10 years ago. Major shortcomings of the proposed bill are as follows:[1] The bill does not stipulate systemic measures to provide immediate and temporary protection to abused animals from abusers. It must be ensured that maltreated animals are removed from abusers and given immediate refuge by reputable animal organizations. In Legalizing seizure of abused animals would ensure that animal protection workers in Korea will no longer be forced to risk their freedom and safety by rescuing abused animals.[2] In the proposed bill, the definition of “Animal Cruelty” does not meet internationally.... accepted definitions and criteria for that term. It is vague and only limited to inflicting pains and injuries on animals without good cause. Anticruelty laws in the bill are too broadly worded and do not provide a list of specific conduct to be outlawed. The bill also fails to list and define provisions of “Animal Neglect,” which is generally defined as failure to provide adequate care and medical attention, resulting in substantial harm to animals.[3] The bill does not prescribe the participation of animal protection groups in an Animal Ethics Committee. Scientific ethics in Korea have reached the crisis stage, as evidenced by the scandal involving Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk. The Korean government must take steps to prevent cruelty to laboratory animals by introducing an Animal Ethics Committee that will enhance the transparency and accountability of the research process. According to the current bill, establishing an Animal Ethics Committee is not compulsory. Researchers, in conducting experiments using animals, are not required to receive any education regarding humane care and use of laboratory animals. Also, the bill does not state any punishment clauses for cruelty violations in relation to animal testing.[4] The current bill does not include provisions for educational programs and welfare policies for the proper care of animal companions. The Korean government must provide adequate programs to educate guardians on responsible animal care so that they fully understand their responsibilitie....s toward their companion animals when they register for licenses.[5] The bill must stipulate compulsory humane slaughter of farm animals. Currently, the amended bill does not even ban burying farm animals alive. Monitoring and enforcing humane handling and slaughter regulations are internationally.... recognized practices.[6] A national animal welfare committee must be established, as in many other countries, requiring the participation of non-....governmental organizations. While the Korean government calls itself the “participation government,” there are no channels available in which non-....governmental organizations can participate and present their ideas regarding animal welfare policies. Current policies resort to bureaucratic decision making, which leads to a dearth of expert advice and democratic approaches.[7] The Korean Government’s insistence on keeping dog meat consumption legal instead of banning it is disappointing. The Korean Government must initiate policies to stop the dog meat trade, not only to address short-term sanitary concerns but also in recognition of the intrinsic value of animal life that has universally been acknowledged.....Until Korea’s Animal Protection Law is updated to match global standards and dog meat consumption is forbidden, Korea will remain a nation stuck in the dark ages and be ineligible to host the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. We urge the Korean Government to strengthen the country’s Animal Protection Law so that it is commensurate with the country’s international stature.
What You Can Do
Take Action: Urge Korean Prime Minister to Strengthen Animal Protection Law
Write to the South Korean government and ask that they amend the Animal Protection Law as described above.
Ambassador Lee, Tae-Sik
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2450 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202)939-5600
Fax: (202)797-0595
Note To My Critics:
The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Korean Dog Meat Market *Heartbreaking-Graphic*
Posted by Denbeath at 1:02 PM
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