Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Don't Kill Urban Coyotes, Enact Stronger Urban Planning Instead - The Petition Site


Target: Your state's governor
Sponsored by: Care2

You've seen the headlines: Coyotes are attacking humans with more and more frequency. One wandered into a Chicago sandwich shop. Another lives in Central Park in New York. Five people have reported coyote attacks in the Denver area. Five coyotes have been killed in Austin so far this year. Our government spends millions of dollars to trap, shoot and poison more than 90,000 "urban coyotes" every year.
But the real problem isn't coyotes attacking humans, it's human suburban sprawl that increasingly takes over the habitat of wild animals like coyotes. Rather than hunting down and killing animals whose habitat has been destroyed by human subdivisions, we should enact stronger urban planning laws that protect the habitat of our nation's wildlife.
Urge your governor to work with your state's legislature and local county commissioners to ensure that humans don't further encroach on wild lands! Only then will we see a decline in the amount of these "urban coyote attacks."


Don't Kill Urban Coyotes, Enact Stronger Urban Planning Instead - The Petition Site


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