Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why You Should NEVER, NEVER Go To The Circus

Please Visit to make a donation to save the abused elephants.

The Ringling Bros are on trial.

As is that previous video was not bad enough, there's more sickening abuses in the video below.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish those elephants just trampled these assholes!! WTF Elephants are awesome GENTLE Animals!!!!! They are very intellegent and very cool... Some People Just Really SDuck!

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