Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Reposted with thanks to:  ~Angel of the Sea

Activities at the Licking County, Ohio Animal Shelter on September 4, 2009. Some of this "activity" can be seen as you're driving down the road! <
God Bless the animals and God Bless all of you for taking action.
Carol Henderson

Sea Shepherd's Nightmare Video **Graphic Content**

With Whale Wars SSCS have the key to silencing the harpoons in the Southern Oceans once and for all because they now have the ability to bring the world into this horrific slaughterhouse at the bottom of the world to see for themselves the agonizing death of the whales and the viciousness that the Japanese whale killers exercise in defense of their bloody illegal business.

This kind of raw intense horror cannot survive such extensive exposure and SSCS will beat the whalers down with episode after episode and the cameras will not stop rolling until the whalers retreat from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary forever.

We do not have any illusions about the violent nature of our opposition. They slaughter the gentle giants with a ruthlessness that has no compassion with the killing of any other animal by man on this planet. Driving exploding harpoons into their entrails, shredding their internal organs with shrapnel as hot blood gushes out in geysers into the frigid ocean. The whales thrash and convulse in horrific agony as they struggle in vain to hold their heads above the water. And as they struggle, whalers fire bullets into their bodies and stab them with electric lances sending high voltage through their bodies. Yet despite this, the whales cling to life for anywhere from ten minutes to nearly an hour.

A message from Captain Paul Watson Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

"Our message to Japan is this; Destroy us if you must, jail us, shoot us, sink our ships, tear our organization apart, maim us and kill us if you will, BUT we will not retreat, we will never surrender, we will never forsake the lives of the whales, we will never abandon them to your merciless harpoons and like the samurai of old we will serve our clients the whales with honor, with dignity and with absolute resolve for as long as there is breath in our bodies and blood in our veins, and if we fall, our cause will be picked up by others and it will continue and our opposition to your industry of cruelty and death will never die.

"We need to find and intercept these vicious killers as soon as possible. Every day of searching will cost the lives of whales," said Captain Paul Watson. The Japanese whaling fleet is an international criminal operation targeting highly endangered whales in a whale Sanctuary in violation of a global moratorium on whaling. They operate because they know that no other governments have the guts to oppose them."


Reposted with thanks to: Rodeo~A legalized abuse of animals for cowards!!

ABC Promoting and Glorifying Rodeo Express Your Outrage

ABC Promoting and Glorifying Rodeo

Express Your Outrage


11th on World News Tonight (ABC) with Charles Gibson on the Person of
the Week segment, it ended with children at a rodeo and one child riding a terrified sheep.
It is appalling that the major networks continue to promote rodeos even
though they are aware of the abuse and deaths of the animals in rodeo. Animal
cruelty is not entertainment.

What You Can Do
Go to the link on ABC's website and tell them what you think about their promotion of rodeo animal cruelty.
Click on website link here.

* * * * * * * * * *
Support SHARK's Big Plans for the Animals in 2010!

SHARK's Tiger Video Truck with its three 100-inch video screens and one 60-inch
video screen is the most revolutionary tool in the animal protectionmovement. Animal cruelty issues are put before the public in a
straightforward..​ way. For more information on our Tiger Truck, click here.
Most recently SHARK has brought in the Hi-Pod Camera Lift to lift a
31 ft in the air to currently videotape pigeon shooters, and other animal abusers and animal killers in the future. In
2010, SHARK will unveil yet another impressive and ground-breaking
advance in its arsenal against animal exploiters and animal killers. I
believe you will be stunned when you see what we are working on. Know that we are working on these issues everyday including
weekends and holidays.Your continued support makes these advances in animal
investigations and animal protection possible. Please donate here.

Kindest Regards,

Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team

"Kindness and compassion towards all living beings is a mark of a civilized
society. Racism, economic deprival, dog fighting and cock  fighting, bullfighting and rodeos are all cut from the same defective
fabric: violence. Only when we have become nonviolent towards all  life will
we have learned to live well ourselves."
- Cesar Chavez, civil  rights and labor leader, founder of the United Farm Workers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 Read Bulletin

Reposted With Thanks To:                        We Are All Connected


Pressure rises to stop antibiotics in agriculture FRANKENSTEIN, Mo. -The mystery started the day farmer Russ Kremer got between a jealous boar and a sow in heat. The boar gored Kremer in the knee with a razor-sharp tusk. The burly pig farmer shrugged it off, figuring: "You pour the blood out of your boot and go on." But Kremer's red-hot leg ballooned to double its size. A strep infection spread, threatening his life and baffling doctors. Two months of multiple antibiotics did virtually nothing. The answer was flowing in the veins of the boar. The animal had been fed low doses of penicillin, spawning a strain of strep that was resistant to other antibiotics. That drug-resistant germ passed to Kremer. Like Kremer, more and more Americans — many of them living far from barns and pastures — are at risk from the widespread practice of feeding livestock antibiotics. These animals grow faster, but they can also develop drug-resistant infections that are passed on to people. The issue is now gaining attention because of interest from a new White House administration and a flurry of new research tying antibiotic use in animals to drug resistance in people. Researchers say the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals has led to a plague of drug-resistant infections that killed more than 65,000 people in the U.S. last year — more than prostate and breast cancer combined. And in a nation that used about 35 million pounds of antibiotics last year, 70 percent of the drugs went to pigs, chickens and cows. Worldwide, it's 50 percent. "This is a living breathing problem, it's the big bad wolf and it's knocking at our door," said Dr. Vance Fowler, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University. "It's here. It's arrived." The rise in the use of antibiotics is part of a growing problem of soaring drug resistance worldwide, The Associated Press found in a six-month look at the issue. As a result, killer diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and staph are resurging in new and more deadly forms. In response, the pressure against the use of antibiotics in agriculture is rising. The World Health Organization concluded this year that surging antibiotic resistance is one of the leading threats to human health, and the White House last month said the problem is "urgent." "If we're not careful with antibiotics and the programs to administer them, we're going to be in a post antibiotic era," said Dr. Thomas Frieden, who was tapped to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this year. Also this year, the three federal agencies tasked with protecting public health — the Food and Drug Administration, CDC and U.S. Department of Agriculture — declared drug-resistant diseases stemming from antibiotic use in animals a "serious emerging concern." And FDA deputy commissioner Dr. Joshua Sharfstein told Congress this summer that farmers need to stop feeding antibiotics to healthy farm animals. Farm groups and pharmaceutical companies argue that drugs keep animals healthy and meat costs low, and have defeated a series of proposed limits on their use. — America's farmers give their pigs, cows and chickens about 8 percent more antibiotics each year, usually to heal lung, skin or blood infections. However, 13 percent of the antibiotics administered on farms last year were fed to healthy animals to make them grow faster. Antibiotics also save as much as 30 percent in feed costs among young swine, although the savings fade as pigs get older, according to a new USDA study. However, these animals can develop germs that are immune to the antibiotics. The germs then rub into scratches on farmworkers' arms, causing oozing infections. They blow into neighboring communities in dust clouds, run off into lakes and rivers during heavy rains, and are sliced into roasts, chops and hocks and sent to our dinner tables. "Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms generated in the guts of pigs in the Iowa countryside don't stay on the farm," said Union of Concerned Scientists Food and Environment director Margaret Mellon. More than 20 percent of all human cases of a deadly drug-resistant staph infection in the Netherlands could be traced to an animal strain, according to a study published online in a CDC journal. Federal food safety studies routinely find drug resistant bacteria in beef, chicken and pork sold in supermarkets, and 20 percent of people who get salmonella have a drug resistant strain, according to the CDC. Here's how it happens: In the early '90s, farmers in several countries, including the U.S., started feeding animals fluoroquinolones, a family of antibiotics that includes drugs such as ciprofloxacin. In the following years, the once powerful antibiotic Cipro stopped working 80 percent of the time on some of the deadliest human infections it used to wipe out. Twelve years later, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study linking people infected with a Cipro-resistant bacteria to pork they had eaten. Johns Hopkins University health sciences professor Ellen Silbergeld, who has reviewed every major study on this issue, said there's no doubt drug use in farm animals is a "major driver of antimicrobial resistance worldwide." "We have data to show it's in wastewaters and it goes to aquaculture and it goes here and there," agreed Dr. Stuart Levy, an expert on antibiotic resistance at Tufts University in Boston. "Antibiotic use in animals impacts everything." — Farmer Craig Rowles remains unconvinced. It's afternoon in one of his many rural Iowa pig barns, roaring with snorting and squealing pigs. Some snooze in corners, while others hustle toward their troughs, their slop laced with a steady supply of antibiotics. "If there was some sort of crossover between the use of the antibiotics in animals and the antibiotics in humans, if there was in fact a real issue there, wouldn't you think we would have seen it?" said Rowles, also a veterinarian who sells 150,000 hogs a year. "That's what the science says to me." The modular modern barn, home to 1,000 pigs, is a hygienic place. Manure plops through slatted floorboards; an invisible funk steams back up. Rowles dons a sanitary white paper jumpsuit and slips plastic booties over his shoes; he's anxious that his 100-pound pigs aren't exposed to outside germs. A few sick swine are isolated, corralled in a pen near the entrance. Antibiotics are a crucial part of Rowles' business, speeding growth and warding off disease. "Now the public doesn't see that," he said. "They're only concerned about resistance, and they don't care about economics because, 'As long as I can buy a pork chop for a buck 69 a pound, I really don't care.' But we live in a world where you have to consider economics in the decision-making process of what we do." Rowles gives his pigs virginiamycin, which has been used in livestock for decades and is not absorbed by the gut. He withdraws the drug three weeks before his hogs are sent for slaughter. He also monitors his herd for signs of drug resistance to ensure they are getting the most effective doses. "The one thing that the American public wants to know is: Is the product that I'm getting, is it safe to eat?" said Rowles, whose home freezer is full of his pork. "I'm telling you that the product that we produce today is the safest, most wholesome product that you could possibly get." — Some U.S. lawmakers are fighting for a new law that would ban farmers like Rowles from feeding antibiotics to their animals unless they are sick. "If you mixed an antibiotic in your child's cereal, people would think you're crazy," said Rep. Louise M. Slaughter, D-N.Y. Renewed pressure is on from Capitol Hill from Slaughter's bill and new rules discussed in regulatory agencies. There is also pressure from trade issues: The European Union and other developed countries have adopted strong limits against antibiotics. Russia recently banned pork imports from two U.S. plants after detecting levels of tetracycline that the USDA said met American standards. Farmers and drugmakers are battling back. Pharmaceutical companies have spent $135 million lobbying so far this year, and agribusiness companies another $70 million, on a handful of issues including fighting the proposed new limits. Opponents, many from farm states, say Slaughter's law is misguided. "Chaos will ensue," said Kansas Republican Congressman Jerry Moran. "The cultivation of crops and the production of food animals is an immensely complex endeavor involving a vast range of processes. We raise a multitude of crops and livestock in numerous regions, using various production methods. Imagine if the government is allowed to dictate how all of that is done." He's backed by an array of powerful interests, including the American Farm Bureau, the National Pork Producers Council, Eli Lilly & Co., Bayer AG, Pfizer Inc., Schering-Plough Corp., Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto Company, who have repeatedly defeated similar legislation. The FDA says without new laws its options are limited. The agency approved antibiotic use in animals in 1951, before concerns about drug resistance were recognized. The only way to withdraw that approval is through a drug-by-drug process that can take years of study, review and comment. In 1977 the agency proposed a ban on penicillin and tetracycline in animal feed, but it was defeated after criticism from interest groups. There has been one ban: In 2000, for the first time, the FDA ordered the poultry medication Baytril off the market. Five years later, after a series of failed appeals, poultry farmers stopped using the drug. In 2008 the FDA issued its second limit on an antibiotic used in cows, pigs and chickens, citing "the importance of cephalosporin drugs for treating disease in humans." But the Bush Administration — in an FDA note in the federal register — reversed that decision five days before it was going to take effect after receiving several hundred letters from drug companies and farm animal trade groups. Laura Rogers, who directs the Pew Charitable Trusts Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming in Washington D.C., says the federal government, from Congress to the administration, has failed to protect the public. "Because of poor regulations and oversight of drug use in industrial farm animals, consumers in the U.S. do not know what their food is treated with, or how often," she said. "Nor is there a system in place to test meat for dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria." — Back in Missouri, farmer Kremer finally found an antibiotic that worked on his leg. After being released from the hospital, Kremer tested his pigs. The results showed they were resistant to all the same drugs he was. Kremer tossed his hypodermic needles, sacked his buckets of antibiotic-laced feed, slaughtered his herd and started anew. "I was wearing a syringe, like a holster, like a gun, because my pigs were all sick," he recalled. "I was really getting so sick and aggravated at what I was doing. I said, 'This isn't working.'" Today, when Kremer steps out of his dusty and dented pickup truck and walks toward the open-air barn in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, the animals come running. They snort and root at his knee-high gum boots. There are no gates corralling the 180 pigs in this barn. He points to a mound of composting manure. "There's no antibiotics in there," he says proudly. Kremer sells about 1,200 pigs annually. And a year after "kicking the habit," he says he saved about $16,000 in vet bills, vaccinations and antibiotics. "I don't know why it took me that long to wake up to the fact that what we were doing, it was not the right thing to do and that there were alternatives," says Kremer, stooping to scratch a pig behind the ear. "We were just basically killing ourselves and society by doing this." ..


Reposted With Thanks to: 
Kindness of Strangers for the Earth & Animals

If you care anything at all about an animal you are trying to give away or sell.

PLEASE, NEVER advertise this animal on Craigslist.

'Free to a good home' Craigslist

To all 'free to a good home' dog placers:

For years, those of us that work in animal rescue have known that the outcome for 'free dogs' has been a roll of the dice. Regardless of the breed, there is a huge potential that these dogs end up in less than loving homes. We in rescue all have that same sinking feeling when we see these ads because we KNOW what can happen and we see it everyday.

It is a wives tale that only Pit Bulls are used in dog fighting rings. Many times, mixed breed, purebred, small or large, are used as 'bait dogs.' Even cats are sometimes used to build up the confidence of a potential fighter. Often times, their ears are removed (so they are not ripped off in the ring) their teeth are filed down (so they can't cause damage) or even their muzzles are duct taped so they cant fight back at all.

I cringe when I see these ads, 'free to a good home' By what definition is a good home? Only recently, in the mid-west, we discovered an elderly couple responding to these ads only to find that these animals were in fact going to fighting rings.

In light of Turtle making the news this morning:


I would like to encourage all of you that have made the decision to re-home your pet, to work with a reputable rescue in your area. If that is not possible, please use 'our' guidelines in making the decision as to whom is getting your dog:

YES, there is an adoption fee. people tend to take better care of a purchase and it holds more value than 'free'

We check at least 2 personal references
We call the Animal Control in the adopters town and make sure that there are no prior offenses. Additionally, in the case of PitBulls, German Shepherds, etc., we make sure that the town does not have ordinances that prohibit certain breeds. Or in multiple dog homes how many does the town allow?
We call the adopters veterinarian and make sure that any existing animals in the house are healthy and current on vaccines.


Many times, rescues will work WITH you while your pet stays safe in your home. We do the leg work, we field potential applicants, and even introduce your animal to any that are already living in the potential adopters homes. As most rescues are non profit, again, a small donation is appreciated for their work in helping you.

Believe me, we would rather do this than find your pet in a shelter on death row, infested with fleas, heartworm positive, wounded, or simply discarded because of inconvenience. We would RATHER see you now, than find a Turtle in the woods near death. A dog that will require months of physical and emotional rehabilitation by a rescue that has the room in one of their foster homes.

Dogs like Turtle are found EVERYDAY and are rarely if ever adopted out to the public. They require a huge amount of resources and often times, there is no room in rescues for lack of foster homes qualified to take them.

For whatever reason, you have made the decision to re-home your pet. I am not criticizing that decision, I simply am asking that you take the time to ensure the safety of your pet.

Remember, Turtle was disposable. she was probably 'free'
Maybe she was yours?

A severely wounded and hypothermic dog, believed to be a "bait dog" used to test other dogs' fighting instincts, was found abandoned and motionless near a busy Hyde Park road Monday night, according to the Animal Rescue League of Boston.

The dog, a female pit bull around 3 years old, was found by an animal control officer, curled in a ball and shivering with open wounds all over it, next to Smithfield Road near Turtle Park Parkway around 10:30 p.m. Monday

Making Hay: Backyard Chickens, a Sad Fad


Backyard Chickens, a Sad Fad

By Jasmin

Hens_by Lesley Marino

“But what if you raise your own chickens for eggs?” well-intentioned people may ask, assuming that “backyard chickens” are a cruelty-free alternative to store-bought eggs. Unfortunately, raising backyard chickens is not all it’s cracked up to be, and this new fad, which is popping up in cities and towns across the country, is propagating major animal welfare problems.

Though most people who are drawn to raising backyard chickens are trying to secure their own uber-local source of fresh eggs, they rarely consider the accompanying cruelty. To start, in most places there are no laws regarding how breeding hens and roosters are housed, so they can be crammed into tiny cages with no outdoor access. Further, the vast majority of backyard chickens are purchased from hatcheries, which cruelly ship day-old birds through the postal system with minimal oversight.

In backyard egg-production, just as in conventional and organic egg-production, male chicks are not considered of any use. They are therefore killed, often at the hatcheries where they are born. However, due to sexing errors – and the industry practice of using male chicks as packing material – males also end up being shipped to customers. An estimated 20-50 percent of “hens” purchased are actually roosters! They are not only unwanted, but also illegal in most urban and suburban settings; they are therefore usually killed.

Hens don’t produce large quantities of eggs for very long, so the females can also become unwanted. Though they can live for 10 years (some even longer), their egg production tends to wane after about one year, and it often becomes sporadic within three years. (That’s pretty unreliable if it’s Sunday morning omelets you are after.)

What happens to the hens after their egg-production declines? Many people have no interest in keeping these girls as pets; these social creatures require a significant amount of care, time and money – and since there are few vets who specialize in avian medicine, veterinary care for chickens can be expensive and hard to find. Furthermore, animal sanctuaries such as Farm Sanctuary are currently reaching the limit of chickens we can shelter, especially roosters. As this fad grows, it will be more and more difficult to place these birds in permanent homes, meaning that the hens will likely be killed when their egg production begins to wane – while the roosters will be killed at the very start of their lives.

The country’s largest coalition of animal sanctuaries involved in the direct care of unwanted chickens has issued a position statement on backyard poultry, which lays out in detail the many unanticipated problems involved, and our recommendations henceforward.
To prevent the cruelties that come with backyard chicken-raising, we need your help! There are a number of actions you can take to educate your community and stop the expansion of this disturbing trend. Help prevent an outbreak of backyard chicken mania in your town or city.

Making Hay: Backyard Chickens, a Sad Fad

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vegetarianism: Non-violence as Daily Practice

Is Meat-Eating Violence?

By partaking in eating meat, especially in the old days before prepackaged, supermarket foods, and fast food, one had to think of where to find the animal, how to kill it, how to prepare it for consumption, and then how to cook, eat and preserve it. Hence, the whole process of eating animals was ‘himsa,’ because one had to think of all this, possibly speak of it (planning the killing, etc.) and act on it by killing, preparing and eating the animal. In Indian history, we have the seminal example King Ashoka (circa 273-232 BC), who - from being a ruthless warrior - not only became a Buddhist, but also promoted ahisma and vegetarianism in his later life. 

When we eat the flesh of a dead animal, we not only partake in ‘himsa’ (violence) in our own spirit, but we can also become affected by the spirit of the dead animal. In order to have been eaten the animal had to die. In dying, it felt pain, it struggled, cried, tried to continue living as long as possible. Since it was slaughtered, it died in fright, pain, mental and emotional anguish and struggle. Then it has to be skinned, gutted, processed and packaged to end up on a plate, decorated and consumed in human pleasure. In human pleasure, one does not think of the pain of the once living animals on the plate. Hence partaking in eating meat, one is not just ingesting and digesting protein and nutrients, but the feelings of violence which erupted in the animal from its unnatural death.
The “Mahabharata” states: "The purchaser of flesh performs himsa by his wealth; he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste; the killer does himsa by actually tying and killing the animal. Thus, there are three forms of killing. He who brings flesh or sends for it, he who cuts of the limbs of an animal, and he who purchases, sells, or cooks flesh and eats it-all of these are to be considered meat-eaters." (“Mahabharata,” 115:40) 

Similarly, vegetarianism and ahimsa can be realized through the old adage “treat others as you would like to be treated.” Swami Dayananda, in his “The Value of Values” connects this to ahimsa and vegetarianism by stating that we should not think of ‘somebody’ being our dinner if we do not want to be ‘somebody’ else’s dinner.’ 

Further, the “Mahabharata” (18.113.8) says: “One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one's own self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Yielding to desire and acting differently, one becomes guilty of adharma.” 

Some of the spiritual reasons, we’ve discussed here may have stemmed from the practical reasons people refrained from eating meat initially. Modern meat-eating Hindus will usually not eat beef or pork (which is rapidly changing), but eat all other kinds of meat. 

What Good is Meat for You?
Many know the reason that the cow is not eaten is because it is considered ‘holy’. But what about pork? Pork, coming from the pig, was considered unhygienic to eat because pigs are ‘dirty animals’. It was thought that by eating pig flesh, people could contract the diseases of the pig. This may seem far-fetched, but if we look at modern society, many diseases are transmitted to humans from the dead animals they eat.

Some sicknesses come from under cooking the meat or not preparing it properly before cooking it. However, some sicknesses stem from the ways in which humans selfishly try to increase meat production by unnatural methods. Most common of these is the ‘mad cow’ disease, which resulted from people mixing cow fodder with pieces of dead animals to ‘fatten the cows’ quickly. 

God created many vegetarian animals, one being the cow, and so this would naturally disturb the god-given balance of the cow and then also affect all members forthcoming in the food chain. 

Humans, unlike other animals that work on instinct alone, have the god-given ability to make conscious choices about the food they enjoy, ingest and digest. This food, in turn helps to fuel our bodies and keep us in good health emotionally, mentally and physically. Food that robs us of energy, such as heavy products that are hard on digestion, like meat, weigh us down emotionally, mentally and physically, even if we do not realize this immediately. 

These are the major reasons, all related to ‘ahimsa,’ why Hindus naturally take to vegetarianism as a daily ‘sadhana’, and abstain from eating flesh. 

Swami Dayananda, “The Value of Values,” Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylorsburg, PA, 2993, pp. 31-34.
Swami Tejomayananda, “Hindu Culture: An Introduction,” Chinmaya Publications, Piercy, CA, 1994, pp. 100-103.
Gopi Nath Aggarwal, “Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian: Choose Yourself,” Books for All, Delhi, India, 1998, 27-33.
Shri J. Narayanaswamy, “Thirukkural in English”

Suggested Reading:

Other Articles
Subhamoy Das
Subhamoy Das
Hinduism Guide

 Vegetarianism: Non-violence as Daily Practice

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A video for each person who tries so hard to save just one dog

This video is for each and every person who tries so hard to save just one dog. What a beautiful story.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do They Know It's Christmas?

Reposted with Thanks to: One Voice


Means Compassion

For ALL Animals

As we enjoy the festive season and appreciate the comforts we have in our own lives it can be easy to forget that most animals have little to celebrate.

In fact, Christmas is a time when even more animals suffer!

The testing of cosmetics and toiletries which are purchased as gifts.

The turkeys and pigs that are farmed intensively and then slaughtered for 'celebratory feasts'

And the increase in 'dumped pets' as families leave on holidays or when puppies and kittens purchased as Christmas gifts are soon neglected.

There are ways that we can reduce this suffering however, and Christmas is a time when we can spread our message of compassion to others.


Inviting family and friends to an appetizing 'cruelty-free' Christmas feast.

Purchase only gifts that have not caused suffering to animals (such as cruelty-free perfumes and synthetic rather than leather, fur, or wool products).

Help at a local animal shelter when usual staff are away on holidays.

Purchase pro-animal gifts such as t-shirts that spread messages of compassion or books about animal welfare.

Have a safe and compassionate Christmas!

Do they know it's Christmas?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Documentary - BBC - Pedigree Dogs Exposed

The Mass Feather Plucking of Live Geese

Reposted With Thanks To: We Are All Connected


94% of Dutch feather and down industry refuse to provide information about the origin of their down and feathers — the origin is most probably horrible live feather plucking.

IKEA has shown the right example stopping the sale of geese down after an undercover investigation of Swedish TV and FOUR PAWS on live feather plucking displayed shocking images. The footage shows the mass live feather plucking of geese, rude handling, heavy wounds being sewn without sedation and dying birds.

FOUR PAWS recently sent out a questionnaire to 17 companies selling feather and down products in the Netherlands. 10 out of 17 companies didn’t reply to our request at all, 6 companies referred to a feather and down branch organization (these organizations were not willing to give answers about the origin of the feathers either) and only 1 gave a detailed answers to our questions. The low number of companies willing to provide information on their suppliers is remarkable.

What is there to hide?
Why is the origin of feathers a secret in the Netherlands?

The two main methods of “producing” down and feathers are plucking after slaughtering and live plucking by force. If the companies get their feathers from the big slaughterhouses.... it iss easy to proove that the down and feathers are a by-product of the slaughtering and not a product of the cruelty of live plucking. Apparently most companies have good reasons to hide the origin of their products.

Even a European ban on live feather plucking doesn’t keep companies from using this cruel method.

Thousands of tons of down and feathers from brutal illegal live feather plucking are produced in Hungary, Poland and China. There are enough reasons for the industry to show that their down does not have its origin in this horrible practice. But feathers are an anonymous product, nobody can tell if the down from a pillow is from live feather plucking or not. The origin is of the same importance as with eggs and meat. FOUR PAWS asks the consumers not to support an industry with ”dirty secrets” and to look for animal friendly alternatives like Kapok (from palm trees) and synthetics.

FOUR PAWS investigates live feather plucking

In the EU there is a ban on live feather plucking. The biggest producers of feathers and down from live feather plucking are Poland, Hungary, and China. In 2008 FOUR PAWS filmed this cruel practice on 3 farms in Hungary. The pictures show geese in appalling conditions. In this case the birds were even tortured with 3 weeks of force feeding for foie gras after the live feather plucking.

Meat geese are feather plucked 3 – 4 times in their lives and one time after their death. The feather plucking supports the fattening process, because geese get fat quicker if they are getting feather plucked, because the birds try desperately to compensate the loss of insulation.

The picking is done by so called ‘feather brigades’, groups of up to 20 persons travelling around and working on a contract basis. They are paid per plucked animal and so they try to do as many animals in short time as possible.

We were informed of the following shocking facts:

They hurt the animals during the process and have to sew the wounds; this is done without any sedation.

Birds panic so much that they strangle themselves as they get caught up in fences

They do competitions on who is the fastest feather plucker.

They don’t follow the laws, because it would not work and the cruelty is backed up by the government.

FOUR PAWS wants to end live feather plucking.
This year the FOUR PAWS campaign negotiations resulted in calling a halt to the live plucking of 2 million geese in Poland and Hungary.
The problem can only be solved with the help of consumers.

Don’t buy products with geese down.

“Made in Netherlands or Germany” doesn’t mean that there is no live feather plucking involved, feathers are regularly relabeled and a case of live feather plucking was exposed by FOUR PAWS Germany.

Don’t buy goose meat from live plucked birds.

Write to companies and ask them to provide answers about the origin of down and feathers, speak with friends and relatives about this problem.

Don’t believe in fairy tales about “TÜV Siegels” or controlled production from “welfare plucking”.

You can also sign the Four Paws's petition Plucking of LIVE Geese in Europe



Sunday, December 20, 2009


Reposted with thanks to: RESCUE DOGS!!! (www.​myspace.​com/​193130626)
Date: 12/13/2009 4:57:28 PM

Please Follow The Link Below For More Info About Breeding:

Gary Yourofsky - Intro to Vegan Speech at Georgia Tech~So worth listening to

This Video was brought to my attention by one of my commenters:  Thank You very much who ever you are!

Gary Yourofskys' speech  challenges conventional thinking about the non-human animal.  There is no justification for the way 'Man' subjugates animals.

Why You Should NEVER, NEVER Go To The Circus

Please Visit to make a donation to save the abused elephants.

The Ringling Bros are on trial.

As is that previous video was not bad enough, there's more sickening abuses in the video below.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Body Count - Animals Killed Annually in the U.S. for Sport

Love for the Earth
Donna Loves ALL Animals
AngeL For The Animals

From : Deliberate Cruelty Is Sports Hunting

Body Count - Animals Killed Annually in the U.S. for Sports

"Hunting, the stalking and killing of animals, has been an American tradition most likely since the Ice Age when plant food became scarce. Today it exists as a "sport"; even when the animals' flesh is eaten, there is no excuse or justification for stalking and killing an animal in his or her habitat. Nevertheless, people not only engage in hunting but strongly defend it as their right to do so. With an arsenal of rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, handguns, bows and arrows, hunters kill more than 200 million animals yearly - crippling, orphaning, and harassing millions more. The annual death toll in the U.S. includes 42 million mourning doves, 30 million squirrels, 28 million quail, 25 million rabbits, 20 million pheasants, 14 million ducks, 6 million deer, and thousands of geese, bears, moose, elk, antelope, swans, cougars, turkeys, wolves, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, boars, and other woodland creatures. (Compiled by The Fund for Animals with data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and state wildlife agencies.)"

Facts: Hunting



Reposted with thanks by:


In case anybody missed it, here is the Oprah show on puppy mills from a few months ago. Even if you saw it, watch it again! Its time we put a stop to the cruelty of the puppy mill industry, and the euthanasia of MILLIONS of innocent animals in shelters! If you have ever purchased a puppy from a pet store, there is a NINET Y-NINE PERCENT chance that your puppy came from a place just like this!

P.S. We'd also like you to take a look at our new will certainly make you think twice about buying a pet!

'Man' The Most Despicable of All Species:


Watch the Video “5 Investigations. 7 Countries. 1 Conclusion.” // Animals Australia

More videos from Animals Australia The Reality of Factory Farming:
More videos from Animals Australia

More videos from Animals Australia

If Pigs Could Talk:
More videos from Animals Australia 


More videos from Animals Australia

The Truth About Your Christmas Ham


One Voice

holly Pictures, Images and Photos

The Truth About

Your Christmas Ham

What really goes into producing a Christmas ham

Secrets Revealed

Fact File


Pigs are denied the legal protection afforded to cats and dogs. Practices commonly inflicted on pigs would be cruelty offences if the victims were family pets.


Piglets have their teeth cut and tails cut off without anaesthetic—an excruciating procedure which can provoke vomiting, trembling and leg shaking.


Male piglets are routinely castrated without pain relief.


Laws permit pregnant pigs to be confined for their entire 16 week pregnancy in a metal cage called a ‘sow stall’ which is so small that they are unable to turn around.


‘Sow stalls’ have been banned on welfare grounds in Britain, Sweden and Switzerland, and are being phased out elsewhere.


Lack of exercise and standing on concrete or metal causes painful physical problems such as foot injuries, lameness, abrasions, and weakened bones and muscles.


Sows suffer chronic hunger through not being provided with adequate roughage in their diet.


Pregnant pigs are moved to a metal farrowing crate prior to giving birth that provides even less space than a sow stall. Contrary to their strong maternal instincts, they have no choice but to give birth on a hard concrete or metal floor.


The barren environment of factory farms is known to cause psychological suffering including depression in pigs due to their inability to perform natural behaviours.


The hope for a kinder future for these intelligent animals rests with each of us, and what we choose to support with our purchasing power.

3 year-old child, and Australian pig

It is commonly accepted that a pig

has the intelligence of a 3 year old child

The following images are from factory farms in Australia, click to play!

It’s Christmas,

and millions of pigs around the world

are still leading lives of misery,

trapped in tiny cages so small

that they cannot even turn around.


Refuse ham this Christmas

(better yet, give it up completely)

and help end the horrific practices

of the pork industry.


Posted By: One Voice

holly Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Legal Guide for Animal Rights Activists


POSTED BY: Mama Kimberly ♥'s animals!

Legal Guide for Animal Rights Activists

Legal Disclaimer: The information in the guide is provided by the
Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) for educational purposes only.
It is not a substitute for professional legal advice, and legal advice
and services are not being offered.

Basic Legal Principles Applicable With Respect to Activism

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of people to engage in non-violent speech and assembly, including demonstrations,.... even if the views they are advocating are unpopular. However, the government may impose reasonable restrictions on the exercise of these rights. Keep in mind acts of violence are never protected.

Defamation, obscenity and fighting words are not protected by the First Amendment.

(a) Defamation consists of making untrue statements that damage the reputation of a person or entity. Truth is a complete defense to a claim of defamation.

(b) Fighting words are defined as personal insults (i) directed at a particular person or small group of people, (ii) inherently likely to create a violent reaction, and (iii) that play no role in the expression of ideas.

(1) Expressive conduct such as burning flags is not considered to be “fighting words,” even if the conduct seriously offends observers.

(2) However, if highly offensive words are directed at one individual and result in a fight (e.g., calling a man a lying moth**fu****), these words are fighting words not protected by the First Amendment.

The government may also impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on the exercise of free speech rights.

(a) These restrictions must not be based on the content of the speech.

(b) These restrictions must be limited to what is absolutely necessary to achieve a compelling governmental interest, such as protecting the public safety.

(c) These restrictions must provide sufficient alternative ways for people to communicate their message.

(d) Examples of time, place and manner restrictions: (i) an ordinance banning loud noises in residential areas during the night. (ii) an ordinance prohibiting parades on certain busy streets, and an ordinance prohibiting protests within a reasonable number of feet from locations such as hospitals, courthouses and private residences. (iii) an ordinance restricting the size of signs carried by picketers, and an ordinance restricting noise levels, in residential neighborhoods.

(e) Disorderly Conduct and Disturbing the Peace: Ordinances prohibiting disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace are generally considered to be reasonable restrictions on the exercise of First Amendment rights. These are very common charges used against demonstrators. For example, disorderly conduct may include unreasonable noise, obstructing traffic, or refusing a police order to disperse.

(f) Trespass: Trespass laws are also generally considered to be reasonable place restrictions on the exercise of First Amendment rights. Trespass laws generally forbid you from knowingly going onto private property without the consent of the owner. And if the owner asks you to leave after giving consent, you must do so immediately.

(g) Curfew laws for minors: If minors are participating in a nighttime demonstration, they may be violating curfew laws and the other demonstrators may be charged with corruption of a minor.

(h) Penalties for violation of time, place and manner restrictions may include arrest, fines and incarceration.

Right of Privacy: The First Amendment does not give an activist the right to violate someone’s right to privacy, which includes the public disclosure of private facts. For example, a website giving unlisted home phone numbers and addresses for the executives of a company that is the subject of protests may violate these executives’ right of privacy.

Planning a Demonstration

Know the law:

(a) In planning a demonstration, one of the first things you should do is to check the applicable provisions of the municipal code of the city in which your demonstration will be held. If you are planning a demonstration in a residential neighborhood, there will undoubtedly be additional restrictions on your activities. If at all possible, consult with an attorney regarding the ordinances and regulations that will apply to your demonstration.

(b) If a permit is required by the city you are in, then you should obtain one and comply with any reasonable restrictions in the permit. Many cities require permits if sound amplification equipment will be used. If you are required to obtain a permit and fail to do so, you will be probably be asked to disband, and if you fail to disband, you may be arrested.

(c) If you are planning to demonstrate in a private area open to the public, such as a shopping center, you should check with an attorney regarding your rights if the owner asks you to leave.

Attorney: If it all possible, it is a good idea to have an attorney present during your demonstration to communicate with police officers and to keep a list of individuals who may be arrested.

Videotaping: The demonstration should be videotaped by more than one person so you have a record of the actions of individuals and police officers and any incidents that may occur.

Plan ahead in case of arrest: Plan in advance what you will do in the event one or more of your group is arrested. For example, you should have plans for securing the release from jail of any arrested demonstrators, including the posting of bail. You should also have an attorney lined up to represent anyone who is arrested.

Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience consists of the intentional violation of a law for the purpose of expressing the belief that the law is unconstitutiona....l or immoral with goal being tried to get the law changed.

There is no constitutional protection for engaging in acts of civil disobedience. Anyone who does will probably be arrested and may suffer the maximum criminal penalties for violation of the particular law.

It is an excellent idea to consult with an attorney before engaging in any act of civil disobedience, so that you understand the penalty you will be facing and you have someone ready to defend you in the event you are arrested.

As with all demonstrations,.... it is a good idea to have an attorney present during any act of civil disobedience, to keep a list of those who may be arrested, and to videotape the event, including any arrest.

Interacting with the police

There are several basic rules you should follow when interacting with the police.

(i) Do not argue with the police. (ii) Say as little as possible, which generally means say nothing other than your name if asked. Anything you say can be used against you. (iii) Do not interfere with or resist the officer, even if you think he/she is wrong. Do not run and do not touch the officer. (iv) Do not complain or tell the officer you are going to file a complaint against him/her. (v) Remember the officers’ badge and patrol car numbers and write everything down as soon as you have an opportunity. (vi) Try to find witnesses and get their names and phone numbers. (vii) If you are injured, take photos as soon as you can. These rules are discussed in greater detail below.

You should obey the instructions of the police and submit to arrest, even if you believe that you have done nothing wrong. Otherwise, you may be charged with additional crimes (e.g., resisting arrest or interfering with a peace officer), and you could be convicted of these other charges even if the other charges are dismissed. Interfering with a peace officer is typically defined to include any act designed to impair an officer’s ability to do his or her job, including the simple refusal to obey a lawful order by an officer.

Videotaping all activities, incidents and events, including arrests, is extremely important to avoid disputes about who or how injuries or property damage occurred.

When interacting with police officers, you need to be aware of your rights.

(a) When you are stopped in a car by a police officer, you must show your driver’s license, proof of insurance and registration. Additionally, police officers may ask for your name if you have been properly detained, and in some states you can be arrested for refusing to give it. However, as more fully discussed below, you otherwise do not have to answer any questions if you are detained or arrested. You should never make any statements regarding the incident. Furthermore, you do not have to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your house. Of course, if the police have a search warrant, then you must allow them to proceed. And in any event, you should never interfere with or obstruct the police, since you could be arrested for it. If the police are doing anything that violates your rights, your remedy is to file a complaint with the Internal Affairs Division of the police department or the Civilian Complaint Board, or, if you are arrested and charged with a crime, to challenge the officers’ actions in court.

(b) If you are detained by police officers, your 5th Amendment right not to incriminate yourself, including your rights under the Miranda decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, come into play. This means that before a police officer asks you any questions other than questions seeking biographical information such as name and address, the officer must give you the following Miranda warnings: (i) that you have the right to remain silent, (ii) that anything you say may be used against you in court; (iii) that you have the right to consult with an attorney and to have that attorney present during questioning, and (iv) that, if you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be provided at no cost to represent you. Do not talk to the police under these circumstances. Insist on seeing an attorney. Often, police officers will attempt to get you to talk by saying that things will be better for you if you talk, promising to try to help you if you talk, or making other statements to show affinity with you or your cause. Statements of this type are generally not true, and you should not be induced to talk by such statements or promises made by police officers. People charged with crimes almost always hurt their case by talking to the police.

(c) If you are arrested, ask to speak to a lawyer at the first available opportunity. Do not tell the police anything other than your name and address without a lawyer. Within a reasonable time after your arrest, you have the right to make a local phone call. Hopefully, you will have planned in advance to call a particular attorney, but if not, call someone who can help you post bail and get an attorney to represent you. You must be taken before a judge on the first court day following your arrest, at which time your attorney can ask for you to be released without bail or at least to have your bail lowered. Speak to a lawyer before making any decisions regarding your case.

Demonstrators should obey any court orders restricting their activities, even if they believe the court is wrong. An unlawful court order may be challenged through the judicial process, but it should not simply be ignored.

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (“AETA”) makes it a crime designated as “terrorism” to damage or interfere with an animal enterprise by (i) intentionally damaging property of either an animal enterprise or anyone with an animal enterprise; (ii) intentionally placing a person or a member of their immediate family in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury through threats, vandalism, property damage, criminal trespass, harassment, or intimidation; or (iii) conspiring or attempting to do any of the above.

Intentionally damaging other’s doing business with an animal enterprise: In addition to targeting activity against an animal enterprise, defined as any business that uses or sells animals or animal products, AETA also targets activity against any person or company that does business with any animal enterprise.

Intentionally placing a person or his/her family member in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury through a course of conduct of threats, vandalism, property damage, criminal trespass, harassment or intimidation: Again, this language is very broad and could cover protests outside the home or office of an executive by people wearing masks as part of a nationwide campaign to get a company to stop testing on animals. It could also cover investigations by activists who enter a facility on false pretenses (arguably criminal trespass) or by breaking locks (which could constitute property damage) to film animal suffering. Under AETA, these types of conduct could be prosecuted as terrorism.

Penalties for Non-Violent Violation of AETA: Under AETA, the penalty for non-violent action that causes damage of up to $10,000 is a fine or imprisonment of up to one year or both. Thus, non-violent civil disobedience may constitute “terrorism” under AETA and result in an activist spending a year in prison. The penalties increase from there.

First Amendment “Protections”: Under AETA, the definition of “economic damage” “does not include any lawful economic disruption such as a lawful boycott based on the disclosure of information regarding an animal enterprise.” Additionally, AETA states that it does not prohibit expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment. This is entirely meaningless, since any legislation that violates the First Amendment is invalid, whether or not it says so.


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Friday, December 11, 2009

Why go vegan?

Thank you
~Vegan Adventurer

Veganism (pronounced VEE-gun-ism) may be defined as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms it refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce-​.​.​.​.​including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey, and their derivatives. In terms of clothing, the wearing of such items as leather, suede, wool, fur etc. would not be acceptable.

Animals raised for human consumption and use suffer tremendously in today’s factory farms and the person who chooses a vegan diet demonstrates a concern for the pain animals endure. Farmed animals are bred, fed, confined, and drugged to lay more eggs, birth more offspring, and die with more meat on their bones at the expense of their health, wellbeing and social development.

The belief that eating eggs or drinking milk doesn’t kill animals is false. Commercially-​.​.​.​.​raised dairy cows and egg laying chickens, whether “free range” or factory-​.​.​.​.​farmed,​ are slaughtered when their production rates decrease. The factory farm methods that are used to produce most meats are also used to produce eggs and milk. The animals are seen not as individuals, sentient beings with unique physical and psychological needs but as a means to an end- eggs, milk, meat, leather, and so on.

The question is not, can they reason?
Nor can they talk? But can they suffer?

Jeremy Bentham

Sentient Beings
Chickens are very interesting animals. They are thought to be as intelligent as cats, and dogs. They have cultural knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation and they learn from watching each other.

Pigs are insightful and curious and are thought to have intelligence beyond that of a 3 year-old human child. They are even smarter than dogs! Pigs are extremely friendly, loyal, and affectionate animals.

Cows are intelligent creatures who enjoy solving problems. Cows have been known to do some amazing things such as walking 7 miles to be reunited with a calf after being sold at auction, leaping over a 6-foot fence to escape a slaughterhouse,..​.​.​.​.​ and swimming across a river to their freedom.

Turkeys are playful birds who enjoy being social and being in the company of others. They love having their feathers stroked and like to chirp, cluck, and gobble. They have tons of character and are very aware of their surroundings.

Animal Agriculture
Agribusiness considers farm animals products and tools of production, rather than as living, feeling animals. This attitude has resulted in the commodification..​.​.​.​.​ of sentient beings and the prevalence of animal cruelty on industrialized factory farms. The statements below prove this attitude. Click here to read more about Factory Farming.

Free Range
The United States Department of Agriculture, which regulates free-range products for labeling purposes, relies upon the producer's word that the farm animals are indeed free range. A farmer could therefore label a product "free-range" when in fact it is not. Moreover, there are very few requirements for labeling products "free range." For instance, birds raised for meat may be called "free-range" if they have some sort of access to the outdoors, regardless of how much space each individual animal has. Free-range farm hens are unable to lay enough eggs to be considered profitable after one or two years. They are then typically sold to slaughterhouses..​.​.​.​.​ or live-poultry markets. As on factory farms, free range, male chicks are considered worthless: at birth, they are dumped into trash cans and suffocated, ground up alive, or sold to laboratories. And like factory farm animals, when free range animals are no longer productive, in other words, when they are no longer profitable, they are killed.

Humans do not need to eat meat, dairy, or eggs; all of our dietary needs can easily be met with an animal-free diet. People who consume animal products are more susceptible to cancer, stroke, obesity, appendicitis, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, and food poisoning. Vegan diets, on the other hand, tend to be high in fiber and low in fat and cholesterol. On average, vegetarians live seven years longer than meat-eaters. 80 to 90% of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other degenerative illnesses can be prevented, at least until very old age, with a plant-based diet.

Vegetarian diets are associated with a reduced risk
for obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, colorectal cancer, lung cancer,
and kidney disease.

American Dietary Association

Humans that eat meat are 40% more likely to get cancer than those that don’t eat meat.

95% of human exposure to dioxin, a probable cause of cancer and other health risks, comes through meat, fish and dairy consumption.

The rate of colon cancer is highest in regions where meat consumption is higher.

The EPA estimates that fish can accumulate up to nine million times the level of cancer-causing polychlorinated..​.​.​.​.​ biphenals found in the water in which they live.

Heart Disease
Heart attacks kill more than 500,000 people a year- more than any other disease; 4,000 Americans suffer heart attacks every day. People who eat meat are at least 30% more likely to die of a heart attack than vegetarians.

Plants contain antioxidants which help prevent clogged arteries. The artery-​.​.​.​.​clogging process can be reversed without drugs by adopting a vegetarian diet.

A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of coronary occlusions.

The vegetarian diet’s high fiber level helps cleanse away excess cholesterol in the digestive tract.

Diets rich in animal protein cause people to excrete more calcium than normal through their urine, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

A plant-based diet, which provides sufficient amounts of protein and calcium through the consumption of leafy green vegetables, beans, and fortified fruit juices, can help protect against osteoporosis.

Prostate Problems
The right vegetarian diet can reduce the hormonal stimulation of the prostate and prevent both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Recent studies have linked eating meat to impotence.

Food Poisoning
Approximately 9,000 Americans die annually from food-borne illness while an estimated 80 million others fall ill from it.

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that up to 40% of poultry sold in the U.S. is infected with salmonella bacteria.

Approximately 30% of all pork products are contaminated by toxoplasmosis.

The USDA’s meat inspection system remains grossly inadequate, and consumers are now being told to “expect” animal products to be tainted.

The pesticides and other chemicals found in meat are up to 14 times more concentrated than those in plant foods. This concentration contributes to the 60-70% of food poisonings that are linked to meat intake.

Animals can only survive the overcrowding, squalor, and stress of the factory farm with medication. Thus many are given antibiotics which in turn find their way into streams and rivers and to consumers who eat the animals or their products. Sulfamethazine,..​.​.​.​.​ for example, is routinely given to pigs in spite of being a known carcinogen. Most meat in U.S. slaughterhouses..​.​.​.​.​ is never tested for drug and chemical deposits.

Raising animals for food is an extremely inefficient way to feed the ever-growing human population. Animal agriculture uses up enormous quantities of fossil fuels, water, and other resources contributing greatly to global warming. They are filled with noxious fumes, dust, bacteria, and decaying feces, all of which they release into the environment. Animal wastes carry pesticides, bacteria and viruses; the wastes pollute drinking water with high levels of nitrates which can potentially be fatal to infants.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein

Animal Agriculture and Global Warming
Global warming is an increase in the Earth's temperature caused by human activities, such as burning coal, oil and natural gas. This releases carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases form a blanket around the Earth, trapping heat and raising temperatures on the ground. This is steadily changing our climate.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported in 2006 that “Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today's most serious environmental problems.” Animal agriculture pollutes water, air and soil and contributes more greenhouse gases than all cars and trucks in the world combined.

Animal Agriculture and Natural Resources
One acre of pasture produces an average of 165 pounds of beef; the same acre can produce 20,000 pounds of potatoes.

It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of meat. Between 70-90% of all U.S. grain is fed to farmed animals bred and raised for slaughter.

The U.S. livestock population consumes enough grain and soybeans to feed more than 5 times the entire U.S. population.

The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people – more than the entire human population on earth.

If Americans reduced their meat consumption by 10%, it would free 12 million tons of grain annually for human consumption. That alone would be enough to feed each of the 60 million people who starve to death each year.

87% of all agricultural land in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food.

About 260 million acres of U.S. forest have been cleared to create cropland to produce our meat-centered diet.

Producing one hamburger uses enough fossil fuel to drive a small car 20 miles.

Nearly 40% of all Central American rainforests were destroyed to create pasture for beef cattle. The rainforests are the primary source of oxygen for the entire planet.

55 square feet of rainforest may be razed to produce just one quarter-pound burger.

Environmental Damage Caused by Factory Farms
Habitat loss
Biodiversity loss
Ecosystem damage and destruction
Growth of pathogenic organisms
Rangeland degradation
Topsoil erosion
Global warming
Formation of noxious oxide
Release of large quantities of methane
Ammonia emissions
Spreading of nitrates in groundwater
Crop contamination
Groundwater contamination (because the soil cannot assimilate all of the animal waste)
Wildlife killed by the government and by farm operators

Source: LCA

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