Animal Cruelty - Cat Cruelty
Only humans can be cruel. Animal cruelty to cats is not uncommon. Although there are countless of sympathetic people who are tender towards cats and love them and animals generally. Sadly, some people and it seems an increasing number of young people, have never been taught how to behave towards our fellow creatures (nor for that matter towards each other)..
Cat cruelty - There is a feral cat problem in many places caused by humans and the only way they figured they can deal with it is to punish and kill the innocent victims of their behavior, the cats. It is time humans took responsibility for their actions. A more proactive approach would be far better but it seems so often we are unable to take preventative actions - it's all reactive and too late..
Cat Cruelty is in the papers fairly frequently. I have posted on this subject before because it is important that we recognize a weakness and nastiness inside us. Most cat cruelty is due to ill directed anger plus the ignorance about nature and cats in particular. Some people have the most irrational and idiotic thoughts about cats. Here is an example..
A man who seems to be reasonably well educated and living in Shoreham, West Sussex, killed a neighbor's cat because he thought the cat was smirking at him. He felt the cat was bullying him which indicated that this seemingly intelligent man had mental problems that could very well lead to, not only violence towards animals but violence towards humans..
The cat had knocked over a vase in his landlady's house and he thought the cat "looked pleased" afterwards. Once again, this man showed signs of mental problems and delusions involving this cat. There was record of David Berkowitz, also known as Son of Sam, having delusions and even stated that his neighbor’s dog was telling him to murder. Animals do not spark any sort of “hidden violence” in any human being. Animals are the first and most convenient victim for potential abusers because they are the perfect victims – innocent, vulnerable, and unable to tell anyone of the abuse..
Cats have also been known in Egyptian myths to be the guardians of the Underworld and also having the ability to see the evil in anyone. Most superstitious and often sociopathic individuals take these myths serious and murder these innocent cats as a way to maintain any sort of superiority and to ensure that no one can see how truly evil and demonic he/she is, and the only way such an individual can do so is to kill the only creature that has been said to be able to see a person’s true evil. To feel pleased about something requires an intellectual intelligence beyond that of a cat. That is not a criticism of a cat as cats are more intelligent in other areas..
Whether these myths about cats are true or not, it does not matter. No one has the right to take a life away, especially a life as innocent as an animal. Cats act and behave accordingly to their instincts which is to survive. The exact same survival instincts that humans have..
This mentally disturbed man punched a defenseless cat unconscious and then threw him into a river where he drowned. The cat’s murderer is scheduled to be charged with criminal damage and animal cruelty. In this country cats are thought of as the property of people - an ill conceived concept and one which indicates that we see ourselves are superior to cats or any other animal, and that we, as humans can do as we please to any animal. The laws and penalties for animal cruelty are not serious enough to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again. Law makers and state officials need to start viewing animal cruelty for what it truly is – a serious and violent crime against a helpless and living creature..
Animal cruelty crimes are escalating in an alarming rate. We must do something to help save these animals from this torturous and painful fate before it is too late..
Realistic Measures
It does not matter if you're vegetarian/vegan or not, you can help take a stand against animal cruelty in many ways. Spreading awareness and education to your family, friends and community is taking a small but active step in preventing animal cruelty from destroying another innocent life. Many people are not aware of the silent signs of animal cruelty, what is considered as animal cruelty or what they can do to stop animal cruelty/abuse/neglect. Many people assume that animal cruelty is not a serious matter or that it is something to be concerned about, well this ignorant belief is wrong. Animals are living creatures that deserve the right to live a happy and healthy life just as humans do..
Keeping animals in your neighborhood and community safe can help make a difference..
Making a difference
Anyone has the power to make a difference. Whether you show your support by becoming a member with an animal rights or humane rescue organization, email or write law makers or state officials (local/international politicians) or speaking out against animal cruelty and for animal rights, it does show concern for these animals and the importance of stopping animal cruelty. Just remaining updated on support events, spreading awareness by conversation, actively showing your support by voting for animal right legislation or supporting animal rescue organizations, writing to your local newspaper or media showing concern about animal cruelty crimes, and even attending animal right fund raisers and contributing donations. All these contributions can, and do, make a difference, every year, for animals who, are suffering at the hands of the heartless and sadistic people..
Why would anyone be cruel or mistreat their pet?
All too frequently we read of sickening cases of cruelty to pets in local and national newspapers.. Why is it, we ask, that some 'human' creatures inflict suffering upon other creatures that are usually smaller and defenseless? Why do they take pets into their homes only to treat them with less than respect and with a great deal of contempt?
Often the reason these animal abusers obtain a pet is the same reason that they end up treating the animal cruelly. And that reason is control. They may not consciously think "I need something to control so I will get myself a pet", but the fact remains that rarely do these people keep a pet just for companionship and something to love, but often abusers own a pet to have a living creature under their control..
People that deliberately hurt animals do so because it gives them a feeling of power and superiority. These types of cruel people may feel undervalued or worthless within their family (possible abuse) or within society. Perhaps they have an embellished sense of how much they should be valued and viewed at. Hence, these sick individuals take out their frustrations and rage on helpless pets..
Often sadistic acts of animal abuse are one step away from abusing humans. In a shocking amount of cases, those that commit terrible acts of violence to people, serial killers, child abusers, spouse beaters and rapists have a history of animal abuse. As a youth Albert DeSalvo (the Boston strangler) trapped cats and dogs in crates and abused them. Peter Kurten (the Dusseldorf vampire) started torturing dogs as a boy and carried the vile practice into adulthood. Brenda Spencer fired rifle shots at school children, wounding nine and killing two. Neighbors of the murderess reported that she often abused cats and dogs, sometimes by setting their tails on fire..
The sensational high profile examples, such as serial killers, are but the tip of the iceberg, in many, many cases of spouse battering, child abuse, etc. pet cruelty is also a factor in the home. It is a tragic fact that all too often we read reports in the news papers of someone found guilty of cruelty to their pet which is a sick terrible thing in itself, but often that is only half the story. People who are often violent towards animals rarely stop there..
In an extensive survey of abused wives who kept pets, over half reveled that their abusive partners had harmed, and in some cases killed, their pets. The fear that the abuser would greatly harm the pet for revenge if she left, kept many of those wives from leaving..
If you know of anyone who harms their pet, or is cruel to an animal in any way, do not hesitate in reporting them to the authorities. In doing so, you may not only be saving the life of an animal but ultimately, a human being. Animals deserve the right to live and deserve laws that will protect them from anyone who would want to harm or murder them. Despite what ignorant and indifferent people often think, these beautiful animals are worth saving..
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we are able
Support animal rights
www. myspace. com/blessings_of_the_merciful
Note To My Critics:
The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Animal Cruelty - Cat Cruelty
Posted by Denbeath at 6:24 PM
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