Note To My Critics:

Friday, February 27, 2009
Humans are naturally herbivores not carnivores

Abolish legalized animal cruelty - Abolish Hunting
hahhahaaaaaaaaaaa hunters = stoooopid lol
Nephesh ~ Abolition, Direct Action and Veganism
I found the "canine" photo at a hunters myspace


Are We Natural Meat-Eaters or Are We Natural Vegetarians?
Sink Your Teeth into This!
Most "nutritionists" assert that we have definite carnivorous leanings, and some have even termed our incisor teeth "fangs" in defense of their erroneous position that humans are natural meat-eaters! If you look at the various species in the animal kingdom, each is equipped with teeth that are ideally suited to masticate a particular type of food. Herbivores (like the cow) have 24 molars, eight jagged incisors in the lower jaw and a horny palate in the upper jaw. Their jaws move vertically, laterally, forward, and backward, enabling the herbivore to tear and grind coarse grasses. Omnivores (like the hog) may have tusk-like canines allowing them to dig up roots. Frugivores (like the chimpanzee) have 32 teeth: sixteen in each jaw including four incisors, two cuspids, four bicuspids, and six molars. The cuspids are adapted for cracking nuts, and the uniform articulation of the teeth enables the frugivore to mash and grind fruits. On the contrary, carnivores (like the cat family) have markedly developed canines that are long, sharp, cylindrical, pointed, and set apart from the other teeth. Fangs and sharp pointed teeth that penetrate and kill, that rip and tear flesh, are a feature of all true carnivores (except certain birds). The powerful jaws of the carnivore move only vertically, and are ideal for ripping and tearing flesh that is swallowed virtually whole and then acted upon by extremely potent gastric juices. Human teeth are not designed for tearing flesh as in the lion, wolf or dog, but rather compare closely with other fruit-eating animals. Human teeth correspond almost identically to the chimpanzees and other frugivores. The complete absence of spaces between human teeth characterizes us as the archetype frugivore. The "canine" teeth of humans are short, stout, and slightly triangular. They are less pronounced and developed than the orangutans, who rarely kills and eats raw flesh in its natural environment. Human canines in no way resemble the long, round, slender canines of the true carnivore. Human teeth are not curved or sharp like the wolves or tigers, nor are they wide and flat like the grass and grain-eating species. Human teeth are actually like the fruit-eating monkeys, and the human mouth is best suited for eating succulent fruits and vegetables. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for humans to eat raw flesh without the aid of fork and knife. To term our incisor teeth "fangs" or even to liken them as such is outrageous.
'Linneaus, who introduced binomial nomenclature (naming plants
and animals according to their physical structure) wrote:
"Man's structure, external and internal, compared with that of other animals
shows that fruit and succulent vegetables constitute his natural food.
Posted by Denbeath at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Tortoise Protection Group
please sign our petition

Please join these groups and help by inviting your friends to do the same
Hoping you all have a good weekend
Take Care
Posted by Denbeath at 10:30 PM 0 comments
HORSE Slaughter in 11 states
Thanks:Equine Advocates
www. myspace. com/334343453
Equine Advocates is SO MAD RIGHT NOW!!!! Please go to Equine Advocates, Inc. to see how you can help stop 11 states from moving forward and actually building horse slaughter plants in the U.S. Over 133,000 horses were sent to Canada and Mexico last year to be brutally slaughtered. We don't eat horses -- they should not be slaughtered for food. It is not just the old and sick that go (which is not right either -- we euthanize our dogs and cats when they are old and sick, our bigger pets should get the same respect.) It is the extras from breeders that breed in quantity. Please help, it only takes a minute and the horses need your help. "The time is always right to do what is right.
Take Action Now!
Currently over 33,000 wild horses are in BLM holding pens pending mass Slaughter.
We are the Horses Voice, we need to stand up now for the Wild Horses and Burros or they will be a faded memory or the American West.
The cattle industry is the primary reason for horse, burro and bison hazing/roundup slaughter
What they do to Western Shoshone Horses
Posted by Denbeath at 9:46 PM 0 comments
The Humane Myth
Posted by Denbeath at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Animal Cruelty - Cat Cruelty
Animal Cruelty - Cat Cruelty
Only humans can be cruel. Animal cruelty to cats is not uncommon. Although there are countless of sympathetic people who are tender towards cats and love them and animals generally. Sadly, some people and it seems an increasing number of young people, have never been taught how to behave towards our fellow creatures (nor for that matter towards each other)..
Cat cruelty - There is a feral cat problem in many places caused by humans and the only way they figured they can deal with it is to punish and kill the innocent victims of their behavior, the cats. It is time humans took responsibility for their actions. A more proactive approach would be far better but it seems so often we are unable to take preventative actions - it's all reactive and too late..
Cat Cruelty is in the papers fairly frequently. I have posted on this subject before because it is important that we recognize a weakness and nastiness inside us. Most cat cruelty is due to ill directed anger plus the ignorance about nature and cats in particular. Some people have the most irrational and idiotic thoughts about cats. Here is an example..
A man who seems to be reasonably well educated and living in Shoreham, West Sussex, killed a neighbor's cat because he thought the cat was smirking at him. He felt the cat was bullying him which indicated that this seemingly intelligent man had mental problems that could very well lead to, not only violence towards animals but violence towards humans..
The cat had knocked over a vase in his landlady's house and he thought the cat "looked pleased" afterwards. Once again, this man showed signs of mental problems and delusions involving this cat. There was record of David Berkowitz, also known as Son of Sam, having delusions and even stated that his neighbor’s dog was telling him to murder. Animals do not spark any sort of “hidden violence” in any human being. Animals are the first and most convenient victim for potential abusers because they are the perfect victims – innocent, vulnerable, and unable to tell anyone of the abuse..
Cats have also been known in Egyptian myths to be the guardians of the Underworld and also having the ability to see the evil in anyone. Most superstitious and often sociopathic individuals take these myths serious and murder these innocent cats as a way to maintain any sort of superiority and to ensure that no one can see how truly evil and demonic he/she is, and the only way such an individual can do so is to kill the only creature that has been said to be able to see a person’s true evil. To feel pleased about something requires an intellectual intelligence beyond that of a cat. That is not a criticism of a cat as cats are more intelligent in other areas..
Whether these myths about cats are true or not, it does not matter. No one has the right to take a life away, especially a life as innocent as an animal. Cats act and behave accordingly to their instincts which is to survive. The exact same survival instincts that humans have..
This mentally disturbed man punched a defenseless cat unconscious and then threw him into a river where he drowned. The cat’s murderer is scheduled to be charged with criminal damage and animal cruelty. In this country cats are thought of as the property of people - an ill conceived concept and one which indicates that we see ourselves are superior to cats or any other animal, and that we, as humans can do as we please to any animal. The laws and penalties for animal cruelty are not serious enough to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again. Law makers and state officials need to start viewing animal cruelty for what it truly is – a serious and violent crime against a helpless and living creature..
Animal cruelty crimes are escalating in an alarming rate. We must do something to help save these animals from this torturous and painful fate before it is too late..
Realistic Measures
It does not matter if you're vegetarian/vegan or not, you can help take a stand against animal cruelty in many ways. Spreading awareness and education to your family, friends and community is taking a small but active step in preventing animal cruelty from destroying another innocent life. Many people are not aware of the silent signs of animal cruelty, what is considered as animal cruelty or what they can do to stop animal cruelty/abuse/neglect. Many people assume that animal cruelty is not a serious matter or that it is something to be concerned about, well this ignorant belief is wrong. Animals are living creatures that deserve the right to live a happy and healthy life just as humans do..
Keeping animals in your neighborhood and community safe can help make a difference..
Making a difference
Anyone has the power to make a difference. Whether you show your support by becoming a member with an animal rights or humane rescue organization, email or write law makers or state officials (local/international politicians) or speaking out against animal cruelty and for animal rights, it does show concern for these animals and the importance of stopping animal cruelty. Just remaining updated on support events, spreading awareness by conversation, actively showing your support by voting for animal right legislation or supporting animal rescue organizations, writing to your local newspaper or media showing concern about animal cruelty crimes, and even attending animal right fund raisers and contributing donations. All these contributions can, and do, make a difference, every year, for animals who, are suffering at the hands of the heartless and sadistic people..
Why would anyone be cruel or mistreat their pet?
All too frequently we read of sickening cases of cruelty to pets in local and national newspapers.. Why is it, we ask, that some 'human' creatures inflict suffering upon other creatures that are usually smaller and defenseless? Why do they take pets into their homes only to treat them with less than respect and with a great deal of contempt?
Often the reason these animal abusers obtain a pet is the same reason that they end up treating the animal cruelly. And that reason is control. They may not consciously think "I need something to control so I will get myself a pet", but the fact remains that rarely do these people keep a pet just for companionship and something to love, but often abusers own a pet to have a living creature under their control..
People that deliberately hurt animals do so because it gives them a feeling of power and superiority. These types of cruel people may feel undervalued or worthless within their family (possible abuse) or within society. Perhaps they have an embellished sense of how much they should be valued and viewed at. Hence, these sick individuals take out their frustrations and rage on helpless pets..
Often sadistic acts of animal abuse are one step away from abusing humans. In a shocking amount of cases, those that commit terrible acts of violence to people, serial killers, child abusers, spouse beaters and rapists have a history of animal abuse. As a youth Albert DeSalvo (the Boston strangler) trapped cats and dogs in crates and abused them. Peter Kurten (the Dusseldorf vampire) started torturing dogs as a boy and carried the vile practice into adulthood. Brenda Spencer fired rifle shots at school children, wounding nine and killing two. Neighbors of the murderess reported that she often abused cats and dogs, sometimes by setting their tails on fire..
The sensational high profile examples, such as serial killers, are but the tip of the iceberg, in many, many cases of spouse battering, child abuse, etc. pet cruelty is also a factor in the home. It is a tragic fact that all too often we read reports in the news papers of someone found guilty of cruelty to their pet which is a sick terrible thing in itself, but often that is only half the story. People who are often violent towards animals rarely stop there..
In an extensive survey of abused wives who kept pets, over half reveled that their abusive partners had harmed, and in some cases killed, their pets. The fear that the abuser would greatly harm the pet for revenge if she left, kept many of those wives from leaving..
If you know of anyone who harms their pet, or is cruel to an animal in any way, do not hesitate in reporting them to the authorities. In doing so, you may not only be saving the life of an animal but ultimately, a human being. Animals deserve the right to live and deserve laws that will protect them from anyone who would want to harm or murder them. Despite what ignorant and indifferent people often think, these beautiful animals are worth saving..
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we are able
Support animal rights
www. myspace. com/blessings_of_the_merciful
Posted by Denbeath at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Vivisection is Sadism, Not Science!!!

[Extracted from Slaughter of the Innocent by Hans Ruesch]
A dog is crucified in order to study the duration of the agony of Christ - A pregnant bitch is disembowelled to observe the maternal instinct in the throes of pain - Experimenters in an American university cause convulsions in dogs and cats, to study their brain waves during seizures, which gradually become more frequent and severe until the animals are in a continual state of seizure that leads to their death in 3 to 5 hours; the experimenters then supply several charts of the brain waves in question, but no idea how they could be put to any practical use
Another team of "scientists" submits to fatal scaldings 15,000 animals of various species, then administers to half of them a liver extract which is already known to be useful in cases of shock: As expected, the treated animals agonise longer than the others
Beagles, well known for their mild and affectionate natures, are tortured until they start attacking each other -The "scientists" responsible for this announce that they were "conducting a study on juvenile delinquency"

Exceptions? Borderline cases? I wish they were
Every day of the year, at the hands of white-robed individuals recognised as medical authorities, or bent on getting such recognition, or a degree, or at least a lucrative job, millions of animals - mainly mice, rats, guinea-pigs, hamsters, dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, pigs, turtles; but also horses, donkeys, goats, birds and fish - are slowly blinded by acids, submitted to repeated shocks or intermittent submersion, poisoned, inoculated with deadly diseases, disembowelled, frozen to be revived, starved, or left to die of thirst, in many cases after various glands have been entirely or partially extirpated or the spinal cord has been cut

The victim's reactions are then meticulously recorded, except during the long weekends, when the animals are left unattended to meditate about their sufferings; which may last weeks, months, years, before death puts an end to their ordeal - death being the only effective anaesthesia most of the victims get to know
[Extracted from Naked Empress or the Great Medical Fraud, written by Hans Ruesch]
It is not only scandalous but also tragic that the Drug Trust is permitted to flood the market with its products on the grounds that they have been thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety on animals, and that Health Authorities, meaning the Government, abet this deception, which is nothing but confirmed fraud- For both sides are well aware that animal tests are both fallacious and merely serve as an alibi - an insurance against the day when it is no longer possible to conceal the disastrous side effects of a drug- They can then say that "all the required tests have been made" - that they have imposed those laws, because the Lawmaker has no choice in all medical questions but to submit to the dictates of the "medical experts" - And who are they? Agents of the Chemo-Medical Syndicate, whose links to the Health Authorities are so close that they usually overlap - So they, and no one else impart biding orders to that mysterious and omnipotent individual, identified anonymously as "The Lawmaker"
It is this outrageous state of affairs which once caused Dr James D Gallagher, Director of Research of Lederle Laboratories, to declare:
Another basic problem which we share as the result of the regulations and things that prompted them is an unscientific preoccupation with animal studies- Animal studies are done for legal reasons and not for scientific reasons- The predictive value for such studies for man is meaningless - which means our research may be meaningless
(Journal of the American Medical Association, March 14, 1964)

In fact, the so-called "medical experts" that have imposed animal tests as the touchstone of medical research are among the participants in the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated, mainly for profit motives, to the detriment of mankind in all history -To bring exhaustive proof of this assertion, with its growing number of medical people in full agreement, is the purpose of this expose
Anybody who has ever taken care of a pet or any other animal has learned, either through personal experience or from a veterinarian, that one should never administer a human medicine to animals, for they may die from it - What does this mean? Obviously, that an animal organism reacts differently from a human organism, and that a medicine that benefits the one could harm the other
But even people who are fully aware of this basic fact have been conned, through press agentry and the venality of the mass media, into accepting animal tests as a sure-fire safeguard, and will declare unthinkingly, regardless of the available evidence: "Since new medicines have to be tested, I prefer that they be tested on animals rather than on me"

This seemingly humanitarian ointment has two gigantic flies: First, that we constantly need new medicines; secondly, that animal tests give satisfactory information
These are fallacies, which have been imposed, like religious dogmas that may not be disputed, upon the majority of people through systematic brainwashing -It begins for most of us long before the age of reason: First, in the likewise thoroughly conditioned family, in primary school next; through higher education, and the media afterwards
"Everything that is obtained with animals is perfectly conclusive for man - Experiments made on animals with noxious substances or in detrimental conditions are perfectly conclusive for the toxicology and hygiene of man- The research on medical or toxic substances is also entirely applicable to man from a therapeutic point of view"
It was Claude Bernard, the apostle of today's veterinary-based medical research, who made these and similarly silly statements in his most famous work, Introduction to Experimental Medicine, which in 1865 laid the groundstone for today's medical researchers - all the growing, grievous proof of its erroneousness notwithstanding

In fact, there is no such thing today as 'Science' in medicine - if we give to the word its original meaning of "Knowledge", instead of "Research", which is the meaning it has acquired in the United States today- Current Medical Science is nothing but a false dogma, imposed almost universally, by no matter what means, legitimate or not, by a smoothly organised coterie that in all industrialised nations form the Medical Power, in close alliance with the Chemical Syndicate- Their purpose is not the people's health, which is just being used as a pretext to extort large sums of money, but the aggrandisement of their own wealth and might
True science presupposes free information, and exchange of different points of views- In the medical field this does not exist today-Too many honest and courageous doctors who have tried to voice opinions in contract with the "accepted" doctrines imparted by the Faculties - for instance, by warning people of the cancer racket or the effects of certain mass vaccinations imposed from above in the interest of the lucrative, job-providing industries - have all been quickly discouraged from continuing or silenced, have been regularly excluded from the news-making medical conventions (that's why all candidates must submit months beforehand the texts of the lectures they intend to deliver), and have been relegated to the bottom rung of the professional ladder, from where they can't express successfully any opinion-making view; or they have been expelled outright from the medical community- We shall examine other forms of censorship later
And it is because of such systematic censorship, running parallel with a constant flow of bombastic medical propaganda, that occasional outbursts of candour, like the preceding statement by Dr Gallagher, and the following one by Dr Modell, have quickly fallen into the trough of oblivion, never again to be resurrected by their chastened authors
Already over 20 years ago, Dr Walter Modell of Cornell University's Medical College, whom Time had described as "one of America's foremost drug experts," wrote in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics:
When will they realise that there are too many drugs? No fewer than 15,000 new mixtures and dosages hit the market each year, while about 12,000 die off ... We simply don't have enough diseases to go around- At the moment the most helpful contribution is the new drug to counteract the untoward effects of other new drugs
(Time, May 26, 1961)
Since 1961, the total number of medical preparations marketed world-wide has risen to some 205,000 and the new maladies have increased in the same proportion
According to the Food and Drug Administration, 1 point 5 million Americans had to be hospitalised in 1978 as a consequence of taking drugs (which were supposed to "cure" them of something or other) - And some 30% of all hospitalised people get further damaged by the therapy which is imposed on them- The number of people killed in the USA by the intake of drugs has been estimated at some 140,000 each year
In fact, today the medical care industry is the second biggest business in North America, exceeded only by food production and distribution
The situation is very similar in all industrialised countries whose citizens are amply "protected" by a Health Insurance system that encourages the use of drugs and expensive therapies, and extracts, from the gullible lower citizens, billions in tax money that flow directly into the coffers of the Chemo-Medical Syndicate
So it is hardly a coincidence that during a 29 day physicians' strike in Israel in 1973, the national death rate was the lowest ever- According to statistics released by the Jerusalem Burial Society, The number of funerals dropped by nearly 50% on that occasion
The same thing happened in 1976 in Columbia, when November marked the end of a 52 day strike by doctors in Bogota, the nation's capital- The National Catholic Reporter pointed out that during those eight weeks the death rate in Bogota went down 35% - The National Morticians Association of Columbia confirmed the fact
The identical phenomenon came to pass a few years ago in California, and in 1978 in Great Britain

Two grams of scopolamine kill a human being, but dogs and cats can stand hundred times higher dosages - A single Aminata phalloides mushroom can wipe out a whole human family, but is health food for the rabbit, one of the favourite laboratory animals- A porcupine can eat in one lump without discomfort as much opium as a human addict smokes in two weeks, and wash it down with as much prussic acid to poison a regiment of soldiers- The sheep can swallow enormous quantities of arsenic, once the murderer's favourite poison- Morphine, which calms and anaesthetises man, causes maniacal excitement in cats and mice - On the other hand our sweet almond can kill foxes, our common parsley is poisonous to parrots, and our revered penicillin strikes another favourite laboratory animal dead - the guinea pig
The list can be lengthened at will, but these few instances should suffice to show them there couldn't be a more unreliable test for new drugs (that aren't needed in the first place) than animal experimentation-(see table overleaf)
The so-called Health authorities and researchers are fully aware of this fact, but they continue serving the warmed-over dish to the media and the public: Do you want us to test new drugs on your children? In fact, all synthetic products are harmful and all new drugs are being tested on you and your children all the time, because the animal tests which - it bears repetition - have just an alibi function, could give no answer, or, worse, have given misleading answers as to their effect on human beings -This rule knows no exception
In fact, the therapeutic disasters, steadily on the increase today, did not exist before the imposition of the safety tests done on animals - They are a direct result of widespread animal experimentation
Without a large number of always new synthetic medicines with mysterious or magic sounding names to fall back on, most of today's physicians would not know how to ply their trade- And yet at medical school they only get a limited instruction in pharmacology, because the teachers themselves can't keep up with the steady flow of new products that invade the market to replace those that must be withdrawn when it is no longer possible to conceal their uselessness or harmfulness
The young doctors start learning their profession only when they leave medical school , and direct contact with patients starts- At the same time begins their real pharmacological education, which will accompany them through their career- The education is conducted by the flood of brochures from the drug manufacturers, and their travelling salesmen, who pay them personal calls at regular intervals, bearing gifts like gold fountain pens or invitations to duck-shoots - besides satchels full of samples of "new" drugs which they advise to try out on the patients and then to report (against remuneration) their findings- This shows clearly that the laboratory experiments have taught them nothing
In other words, the budding doctor does not receive his medical education from his teachers at medical school, whose knowledge has gotten stuck several years earlier, but by high-pressure salesmen of industrial complexes, whose purpose is not the people's health (a healthy population means a dead pharmaceutical industry) but ever growing profits

Due to a "safe" painkiller, Paracetamol, 1,500 people had to be hospitalised in Great Britain in 1971; as usual, a good number of them were further damaged by the therapy imposed upon them while in hospital
At about the same time, in the United States, Orabilex caused kidney damage with fatal outcomes, MEL/29 caused cataracts, Methaqualone caused severe psychic disturbances leading to at least 366 deaths, mainly through murder or suicide
Germany's Thalidomide, which caused at least 10,000 malformed children, was merely the firs of a quickly growing list of "teratogenic" (malformation causing) drugs, that have dramatically increased the number of birth defects ever since the compulsory animal tests as an alleged safeguard against that kind of mishap have been imposed
In 1972 the aerosol spray, Isoproterenol, packaged in great Britain, was found by Dr Paul D Stolley of Johns Hopkins Hospital as being responsible for the mysterious epidemic that had killed world-wide as many as 3,500 asthma sufferers in the Sixties
Stilboestrol caused cancer in young women - In the fall of 1975, Italy's health authorities seized the anti-allergic Trilergan, which had caused the very viral hepatitis that the researchers had been promising to eliminate once and for all many years ago, but which has been spreading steadily since then
In early 1976 the Salvoxyl-Wander laboratories of Switzerland's Sandoz complex withdrew their Flamanil, advertised to fight rheumatism, but had turned out to cause loss of consciousness
A few months later, Great Britain's gigantic ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) announced that it had started paying compensation to the victims (or their survivors) of its cardiotonic Eraldin, and resorted to the usual alibi that the drug had been introduced to the market only after 7 years of "very intensive laboratory tests" - meaning on animals, which had given the poisonous medication a clean bill of health - By then, countless consumers had suffered severe damages to the eyes and digestive tracts, and many had died
In the summer of 1977, The Swiss multi-national, Ciba-Geigy had to withdraw from the American market its Phenformin, which had been palmed off on diabetics for 18 years: it was no longer possible to conceal that its collateral effects had caused about 1,000 deaths annually - Nevertheless, after this had been announced in the press, the Health Authorities in the German Federal Republic gave its own drug manufacturers a helping hand and a whole year's time- until July 1, 1978 - to sell off its stock of lethal anti-diabetic drugs, including Dipar, Silubin-retard and Sindatil - Clearly, what mattered was not the public's health, but the Syndicate's profits
On September 11, 1979, a panel of doctors and former Valium addicts told a US Senate Subcommittee on Health that Valium, a tranquilliser taken routinely by more than 15% of the adult population, was potentially addictive even in moderate doses- The former users said they experienced agonising withdrawal symptoms when they tried to drop the drug, and they complained that their doctors never informed them of the drug's potential addictive qualities when first prescribing it
* Preludin and Maxiton, "pep pills" also used to reduce appetite, were withdrawn from the market after causing serious damages to the heart and the nervous system
* Barbiturates (Nembutal etc ), prescribed against insomnia, turn out in the long run to increase insomnia instead of curing it
* Pronap and Plaxin, two tranquilliser, have killed many babies in South Africa and were withdrawn in 1970
* Phenacetin, only recently taken off the market in the United States, is a painkiller sold in various compositions under 200 different brand labels- It can block the kidney functions, destroy the kidneys, cause kidney tumours and destroy the red blood corpuscles
* Amydopyrine, another painkiller, has caused lethal damage to the blood, including agranulocytosis, and has been withdrawn in many countries, but not in all- It occurs in Salgydal, in association with Phenacetin, in Optalidon and in over 160 other products
* Marzine, used against nausea and travel sickness, has been withdrawn in 1971 in many countries (e g Switzerland and Italy) because of the grave damage it inflicts, especially in children
* Reserpine, prescribed to reduce blood pressure, has been shown to increase threefold the risk of breast cancer in women- It is also considered to increase the risk of cancer of the brain, the pancreas, the uterus, the ovaries and the skin- It is furthermore famous for causing nightmares and depression
* Cyclophosphamide, another drug advertised to fight cancer, provokes widespread necroses which start in the liver and the lungs and usually kill the patient much sooner than the cancer would, as do most drugs employed to "check" cancer by chemotherapy "- A Miracle Drug That Backfired" was the title of an International Herald Tribune article on January 14, 1981 - It began by recalling that American physicians had started prescribing Clofibrate massively 13 years before because:
The drug seemed to offer modern man the luxury of having his cake and eating it too - that is, of continuing to devour steak and butter without fear of heart attack just by taking a little capsule four times a day ... Far from saving lives, it now appears that Clofibrate actually increases the death rate among its users- A decade long study run by the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently reported that men taking the drug were 25% more likely to die of a broad range of disorders, including cancer, stroke, respiratory disease and ironically, heart attack, than those who got a placebo capsule
But don't get depressed folks - Thousands of other confused or just grant-hungry scientists are currently busy using up millions of fresh animals trying to find new products capable of neutralising the disastrous side-effects of Clofibrate and other miracle drugs
The Oxychinol Case
The systematic fraud perpetrated by the all-powerful Chemical Syndicate in collusion with the various Health Institutes to the detriment of the world population's health is growing day by day - And yet proof comes to light day after day that the "new drugs" (in actual fact they are mostly the same old drugs with identical ingredients in varying combinations and under different labels) are not only incapable of curing diseases that nature couldn't cure by herself given half a chance, but are constantly producing brand new diseases, unknown a few years ago
In August 1978 came the news from Japan that a Tokyo court had found three drug manufacturers and the Japanese government guilty of selling drugs containing Oxychinol (also called Clioquinol), responsible for a new, severe disease of the nervous system - subacute myeloptic neuropathy, or SMON for short - The manufacturers - Takeda, Ciba-Geigy Japan and Tanabe Seijaku - were sentenced along with the Japanese health authorities to pay indemnities of 3 point 25 billion Yen (approx-- $17 million or £5 million) to 133 plaintiffs -This was the conclusion of but the first of over 20 court cases currently under way
The plaintiffs had demonstrated that SMON was caused by drugs that had been sold under the protest that they would miraculously cure what the manufacturers had defined as "summer diarrhoea", a highly unscientific definition for a mild intestinal disorder that affects a great number of travellers in tropical lands; Americans usually call it the "GI's" or "Montezuma's revenge", and the British "Spanish tummy", and it usually clears up without treatment within 48 hours

That is, unless one takes the "miracle" drug Oxychinol that Ciba-Geigy had developed several years earlier, and marketed world-wide under different labels (Mexaform, Enterovioform, Intestopan, Sterosan etc,), recommending them to travellers at the first sign of indigestion, and even prophylactically, i e before developing any intestinal troubles (which this drug causes!)
At least a thousand deaths had to be counted in Japan and 30,000 cases of blindness and/or paralysis of the lower limbs before it was realised that heretofore unexplained similar cases of death, blindness and paralysis in Holland, Denmark, Germany, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy, Sweden etc had also been caused by the Oxychinol-containing drugs
These findings exploded Ciba-Geigy's lame alibi that only Japanese had been adversely affected by this drug and that therefore the Japanese were themselves to blame for their national catastrophe, having fallen for the manufacturer"s claims with exaggerated confidence!
In 1979, a Swedish medical doctor Olle Hansson, Professor of paediatric neurology at Goteborg University, published in a book the findings of the Tokyo court, which had summoned him to testify at the first Oxychinol trial - In this book he leaves no doubts about the fact that some big drug manufacturers do not hesitate to walk over corpses - human corpses - for the sake of profits, and resort to any and every kind of lie to conceal the fact that pecuniary gain is their ruling motivation
In Japan alone, Oxychinol was sold under 168 different brand names
The many shocking findings of Dr Olle Hansson's study include the disclosure of Ciba-Geigy's own research protocols, dated as far back as June 19, 1939, showing that the Swiss researchers managed to poison a goodly number of animals, who were seized by violent convulsions and respiratory difficulties as soon as they were made to swallow Oxychinol, and most of them finally met with a painful death
In spite of these results, which were kept secret, Ciba-Geigy proceeded to market its dangerous drug world-wide, limiting itself to publishing a warning in its accompanying leaflets to the effect that the drug should not be administered to house pets
What does this prove? Clearly, that the researchers themselves do not believe in the validity of animal tests in respect to human beings
The DES Case
Slaughter of the Innocent related in some detail the Stilboestrol case- The full scientific name for the drug is Diethylstilboestrol, but is commonly known as DES in the United States - The prototype of all synthetic oestrogens (female sex hormones), it was developed in 1939, tested without adverse effects on animals for years, but then it was suddenly found to have caused cancer in girls whose mothers had been prescribed this "miracle drug" by their doctors during pregnancy, as DES passes through the placental barrier and can trigger a cancer in the foetus
But why had this drug been administered to pregnant women in the first place? Doesn't every drug taken during pregnancy hold a danger? Clearly, not to the knowledge of the "researchers" raised in the false belief that what they see in animals applies to man as well- And in fact they had prescribed DES to their patients for the very reason that they were pregnant: the drug was touted to insure a safe pregnancy
After DES had turned out to be the first drug that the medical confraternity itself had recognised as being responsible for creating a new type of cancer in human beings, animal tests with DES were started over again, and again with no results: the test animals did not develop cancer
Dr Robert W Miller of the National Cancer Institute of Bethesda, Md , Who in 1973 wrote the official warning hastily published by Geneva's WHO, revealed in that paper:
Experimental animal studies: There was no correlation between the types of tumours obtained in experimental models (i e laboratory animal - H R ) and types of childhood cancer
Dr Miller either lacked the wisdom to draw the conclusion that animal experimentation had to be discarded as tragically misleading after that, or he lacked the courage to acknowledge it, which is more likely, for he and thousands of Bethesda co-workers live from animal experiments, since they don't know of any other way of doing research or, perhaps, of earning a living - In fact, all Dr Miller had to offer in his paper was to recommend an intensification of such experiments, even thought the cases he had reported had developed after a latency period of 14 to 22 years
The N Y Times of July 17, 1979 had an article titled "Woman Wins Suit in DES Case" which began:
In a groundbreaking verdict rendered yesterday in the State Supreme Court in the Bronx, a jury decided that a pharmaceutical company must pay $500,000 in damages to a woman for cancer caused by DES, a drug given to her mother to prevent miscarriages
The plaintiff was identified as Joyce Bichler, a 25 year old social worker, and the manufacturer sentenced to pay up was Ely Lilly & Co
On August 26, 1979, another article in the N.Y.
Times was titled "A Woman Who Said DES Caused a Cancer Is Awarded $800,000 " The woman: 26 year old Anne Needham - The manufacturer liable for the damage, White Laboratories of Kennilworth, J J, was meanwhile taken over by Schering-Plough Corporation - The article concluded:
During the trial, Mr Charfoos (the plaintiffs attorney - H R), said some 400 women had developed vaginal cancer because their mother took the drug and that at least 1,000 other female offspring were in pre-cancerous condition
While cancer marches on in all the countries whose obtuse, herd populations allow themselves to be dominated by the Medical Power and the chemical industry, one question still begs for an answer: Why are the drug manufacturers still being tried by civil courts and not, as should certainly be the case, by criminal courts under the indictment of mass murder? The explanation is in the following parts
Time Magazine had another DES daughters article in its March 24, 1980 issue, which read in part:
Now there is more unsettling news for DES daughters - When they reach child-bearing age, they appear to be more vulnerable to miscarriage - as well as to stillbirth, premature birth an -- opic pregnancy (in which the foetus grows outside the uterus)
The New England Journal of Medicine and other medical publications gave more news and all of it was bad - Damage from DES can extend to the third generation, and also affect the genital organs of the male offspring
PS: DES is still on the market as a "morning after" pill- Ironically, the exact opposite of its original intents
In the chapter "Ten Thousand Little Monsters", Slaughter of the Innocent brought full, indisputable and undisputed evidence that animal experimentation not only caused the world-wide Thalidomide tragedy, but was directly responsible for the magnitude of that tragedy
In its February 23, 1962 issue, when the first warning signs were appearing on the world horizon, Time Magazine reported that Thalidomide had been marketed "after three years of animal tests"
On August 1, 1958, the German manufacturers, Chemie Grunenthal, had sent a letter to 40,000 German doctors describing his Contergan (Thalidomide) as the best tranquilliser for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, as it damaged neither mother nor child
In October 1961, the British licensee, Distillers Company, after extensive animal tats of its own, had launched Thalidomide on the United Kingdom market, under the name Distaval, with the following assurance:
"Distaval can be given with complete safety to pregnant women and nursing mothers without adverse effect on mother or child"
In December 1970, the longest criminal trial in Germany's judicial history ended with the acquittal of Chemie Grunenthal: a long line of international medical authorities had testified that animal tests could never be conclusive for human beings, thus relieving Grunenthal of any responsibility for the tragedy: the required tests had been conscientiously undertaken
When the vivisectionists fail once more, do they blush, pack up their easy-learner kits and sink off into the night? Of course not - They just clamour for more money to repair the damage they have just done
The Thalidomide case should have ruled out further animal tests once and for all - Against all logic, with nothing but profit motive in mind and in complete disregard of the consumer's safety, the animal tests were multiplied - with easily predictable, catastrophic results -
* Eraldin (for heart disease) - Corneal damage including blindness
* Chloramphenicol (antibiotic) - Aplastic anaemia, often fatal
* Ibufenac (for arthritis) - Deaths from liver damage
* Flosint (for arthritis) - Several deaths
* Zipeprof (cough suppressant) - Severe neurological symptoms at high doses - seizures and coma
Speculating upon the ignorance and suffering of countless people,
their constant fear of pain and disease, and with the help of the mass-media,
this pseudo-science has created the illusion that she wields mysterious powerson which mankind's salvation depends
So the people of the western hemisphere have prostrated themselves in awe and servility at her feet, imagining her as an almighty goddess of peerless beauty, shining gold and brocades, to whom common mortals may not even raise their eyes, lest they be blinded
But if they dared do so, they would discover that their empress hasn't a stitch on and is gruesome to behold
- from Slaughter of the Innocent
Hans Ruesch in conversation with Dr Werner Hartinger
Posted by Denbeath at 8:11 PM 4 comments
Labels: animal abuse, anti-vivisection, vivisection
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Police & Japan: Killers try to HIDE video footage of KILLINGS
Friday, February 20, 2009
HIDING CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS - Japanese Whalers get Australian Feds to try to stop YOU from seeing their killings and crimes caught on tape
Australian Feds Seize Whale Wars Footage!Australian Federal Police Seize Whale Wars Videos
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Steve Irwinarrived in Hobart, Tasmania at 1700 Hours on February 20th. The ship was met at dockside by a party of Federal Australian Police officers who boarded the Steve Irwin with a warrant.
The warrant authorized the seizing of "all edited and raw video footage, all edited and raw audio recordings, all still photographs,producer's notes, interview transcripts, production meeting minutes,post production meeting minutes as well as the ship's log books, global positioning system records, automatic radar plotting aid, purchase records, receipts, financial transaction records, voyage information and navigational plotted charts.
The show that Japanese whale killers want to hide! And stop YOU from ever seeing the footage of their illegal killings caught on tape
The Animal Planet series Whale Wars was very embarrassing to the Japanese government and the Japanese whaling industry in 2008.Japan does not wish to see the airing of the second season of Whale Wars and is putting as much diplomatic pressure on Australia as they possibly can to prevent further exposure of their illegal whaling operations in the Southern Ocean.
What Japanese Criminal Whalers, Kyodo Senpaku illegal whaling operation, and ICRWHALE Institute for Cetacean Research would rather you don't see.
Japanese whale butchers. These are the ones trying to get Americans arrested, Australians charged, trying to hurt Europeans, and Japanese whalers are the ones who want to hurt their own Japanese people and children by selling whale meat which is contaminated with mercury & heavy metals to Japanese children which causes them brain damage, and causes Japanese children to have birth defects.
"I wish that the Australian government would apply the same "diplomatic" pressure on Japan to end their illegal whaling operations," said Captain Paul Watson. "The Rudd government was electedon a promise to take the Japanese whaling industry to court for their illegal whaling activities. Now they seem to be more interested intaking Sea Shepherd to court for our efforts to intervene against illegal whaling operations.
Captain Paul Watson said he would welcome a trial.
"We have to start somewhere so it may as well be by taking me to court. Let us get the evidence on the table and although a trial against Sea Shepherd and myself may not allow the introduction of evidence about Japan's illegal whaling operations, it at least will give us the forum to present our evidence. Let's see the Australian government bring the Japanese whale killers to Australia to bear witness against Sea Shepherd and Animal Planet and let's see them appear as witnesses for the government of Australia that professes to be against whaling.
Arrest Warrant for stoppage of Japanese Whale Killers. Reminder, it's the JAPANESE WHALERS that are in violation of Australian Federal Law, Japanese whalers are not in their own waters, they have encroached in other nations territorial waters, and are poaching, they are violating the CITES TREATY, whalers are in violation of the UN World Charter on Nature, and whalers are violating the CCLAMR regulations, and the Japanese whalers are using military deadly weapons in violation of the Antarctic Treaty, and the only people that have caused HUMAN DEATH are the Japanese Whalers. Sea Shepherd has never killed or even seriously hurt anyone in their entire 30 year history. It's the Japanese whalers actions that have caused the death of several people. Including the death of another man within the last month. It's the Japanese whalers that are criminal killers. And being allowed to continue to kill.
"It's a very one-sided affair," continued Captain Watson. "TheJapanese ships have not been boarded by the Australian Federal Police; they have not had their video and navigational data confiscated. They have not been questioned nor will they be, yet they violently attacked my ship and crew in the Southern Ocean. Does the law only go to bat for those who destroy nature's creation? Are we about to see the ultimate kangaroo court where Sea Shepherd will be legally crucified because the Australian government has not lived up to their promise of taking the whale killers to court? The truth is that we would not have to be in the Southern Ocean defending the whales if the governments of the world would simply enforce the international conservation treaties they once so proudly signed into law. Without enforcement there is no law - just ecological anarchy.
Captain Watson said he had no complaints about the Australian Federal Police."They were very professional and polite and they were doing their job in carrying out the orders of the government." "We have quite the year ahead of us," continued Captain Watson. "We need to repair damages to the Steve Irwin,we need to secure a second and faster vessel, and we need to be prepared to return to the Southern Ocean again at the end of the year to defend whales. If need be we will be in court to answer to chargesof defending endangered whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary and to this we proudly plead guilty.
7:16 PM0 Comments49 Kudos
These are the ones they want to detain. Sea Shepherd protects the good Japanese people, and SSCS tries to stop whale poachers from hurting Japanese children, and Sea Shepherd helps remove the stain and shame of whaling from japan's image, restoring pride back to Japan.
1. You can ADD Paul Watson's and SeaShepherd's profiles as your friend on myspace and feature their icon in your TOP friends.
ADD PAUL WATSON to your FRIENDS on myspace
ADD SEA SHEPHERD to your FRIENDS on myspace
Making their icons visible will help raise awareness to the world about this.
To donate, you can go to www. SEASHPHERD. org/donate. html
3. Post about this in your blog, copy the text about it and forward it, tell people, go on youtube and defend against the disgusting killers & butchers posting on there, repost our kind bulletins via your myspace, post this on your WORDPRESS, on forums, anywhere you can.
4. Write, call or phone your government officials, and tell them to reaffirm the Laws against these killers. And to mobilize enforcement authorities against these slaughterers.
If anyone wants to add our icon to friends, click here to ADD US
Japanese whalers are attacking American citizens, and attacking Canadians, Dutch, Swedish, and hurting Europeans, and Australian people, and whalers are hurting Japanese people as well. Sea Shepherd has Japanese citizens onboard ship, and Japanese citizens are on staff of Sea Shepherd. Sea Shepherd has US Federal Agents among their staff members as well, plus US MILITARY members and service people are part of Sea Shepherd. US NAVY personnel are among Sea Shepherd members. Paul Watson is ex-Coast Guard. The US Coast Guard has had to warn Japanese fishing vessels out of American waters as well. The Japanese have violated US territorial waters.
6. REPOST THIS. Click REPLY, copy all, Go to your own bulletin area and create a fresh one, paste and send.
Posted by Denbeath at 6:06 AM 0 comments
Australian Federal Police Seize Whale Wars Videos
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship Steve Irwin
arrived in Hobart, Tasmania at 1700 Hours on February 20th.
The ship
was met at dockside by a party of Federal Australian Police officers
who boarded the Steve Irwin with a warrant.
The warrant authorized the seizing of "all edited and raw video
footage, all edited and raw audio recordings, all still photographs,
producer's notes, interview transcripts, production meeting minutes,
post production meeting minutes as well as the ship's log books, global
positioning system records, automatic radar plotting aid, purchase
records, receipts, financial transaction records, voyage information
and navigational plotted charts.
The Animal Planet series Whale Wars was very embarrassing
to the Japanese government and the Japanese whaling industry in 2008.
Japan does not wish to see the airing of the second season of Whale Wars
and is putting as much diplomatic pressure on Australia as they
possibly can to prevent further exposure of their illegal whaling
operations in the Southern Ocean.
"I wish that the Australian government would apply the same
"diplomatic" pressure on Japan to end their illegal whaling
operations," said Captain Paul Watson.
"The Rudd government was elected
on a promise to take the Japanese whaling industry to court for their
illegal whaling activities.
Now they seem to be more interested in
taking Sea Shepherd to court for our efforts to intervene against
illegal whaling operations.
Captain Paul Watson said he would welcome a trial.
"We have to start somewhere so it may as well be by taking me to
Let us get the evidence on the table and although a trial
against Sea Shepherd and myself may not allow the introduction of
evidence about Japan's illegal whaling operations, it at least will
give us the forum to present our evidence.
Let's see the Australian
government bring the Japanese whale killers to Australia to bear
witness against Sea Shepherd and Animal Planet and let's see them
appear as witnesses for the government of Australia that professes to
be against whaling.
"It's a very one-sided affair," continued Captain Watson.
Japanese ships have not been boarded by the Australian Federal Police;
they have not had their video and navigational data confiscated.
have not been questioned nor will they be, yet they violently attacked
my ship and crew in the Southern Ocean.
Does the law only go to bat for
those who destroy nature's creation? Are we about to see the ultimate
kangaroo court where Sea Shepherd will be legally crucified because the
Australian government has not lived up to their promise of taking the
whale killers to court? The truth is that we would not have to be in
the Southern Ocean defending the whales if the governments of the world
would simply enforce the international conservation treaties they once
so proudly signed into law.
Without enforcement there is no law - just
ecological anarchy.
Captain Watson said he had no complaints about the Australian Federal Police.
"They were very professional and polite and they were doing their job in carrying out the orders of the government.
"We have quite the year ahead of us," continued Captain Watson.
"We need to repair damages to the Steve Irwin,
we need to secure a second and faster vessel, and we need to be
prepared to return to the Southern Ocean again at the end of the year
to defend whales.
If need be we will be in court to answer to charges
of defending endangered whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary
and to this we proudly plead guilty.
Posted by Denbeath at 5:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Please be advised that this video does contain intensely graphic images and footage that may be very difficult and heartbreaking to watch. Please watch with caution but if you are easily emotional, please do NOT watch this video. This video is not meant to offend or frighten anyone, only to show the silent victims of this painful cruelty. Animal cruelty is a very horrifying and painful reality. Some may even ask how did humanity even come to this sort of cruel reality. How did the world come to this? These innocent animals are suffering in silent. Please hear their silent cries. Please help stop this torture from ruining and destroying any more innocent lives. These animals deserve a better life than this cruel fate. These beautiful animals deserve a life without fear or pain. Please help save these animals before it is too late..
Animal cruelty is a very serious and horrific crime. Ignorant and heartless people who believe that animal cruelty is “no big deal” or “nothing serious.” After watching this video, can any of you say that animal cruelty is nothing serious? Animals being tortured, starved, maimed, beaten and murdered is no big deal? Animals are living creatures that breathe as we do, bleed as we do, feel pain as we do and die as we do. Animal cruelty is torture and it is murder.. How can anyone allow this inhumane brutality to continue?
Please report animal cruelty to your local authorities and/or humane rescue organizations such as SPCA. If you witness or suspect any type of animal cruelty or neglect, please report it immediately before it is too late for the abused animal. These animals have no voice to cry out for help. These animals trust us and they are relying on us to protect them from anyone who is or would want to harm them. These animals need our help. Use your voice and help save these animals before it is too late. Speak out against animal cruelty and help fight for these animals rights. Please do not turn away from an animal who is being abused or neglected. You may be that animal’s only hope of survival..
Support animal rights
www. myspace. com/blessings_of_the_merciful
Posted by Denbeath at 8:19 PM 0 comments
NURSE MARE FOAL ~End Horse Slaughter
Horse Slaughter and Nurse Mare foals - The most amazing videos are a click away
Hopefully, this industry will soon be changed...
Drug Protocol Turns Rescued Mares into Nurse Mares
by: Karen Briggs
http://www. thehorse. com/ViewArticle. aspx?ID=13103
Article # 13103
A medication protocol that can induce lactation in "open" mares has changed the way prominent Kentucky Standardbred nursery, Walnut Hall Ltd., manages its nurse mare herd, while giving more than 20 rescued mares a new Walnut Hall's vet, Joe Lyman, DVM, based the technique on presentations by Peter Daels, DVM, PhD, and John Steiner DVM, Dipl. ACT. Using their methods, not only can unbred mares that have previously had at least one foal be persuaded ...
Posted by Denbeath at 8:38 AM 0 comments
The Slaughter House *Graphic

"I have unfortunately been inside slaughterhouses and can tell you that the animals are not willingly walking up to the end of the kill line and sticking their necks out. These animals fight with every bit of strength they have left at the end of that kill line. They fight to get out of that kill line. They don't want to die, and they know it's coming. They see, and they know exactly what's going to happen to them. There is absolutely no truth that any process of slaughtering is humane. From the moment those animals are taken from those trucks and forced through the slaughtering process, it is the most inhumane treatment that I have ever witnessed. --Cayce Mell[26]
Learn more about organic and free-range at our resources page here.
The Free Range Myth
The Humane Myth
From Cradle to Grave: The Facts Behind “Humane” Eating
By Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
I have yet to meet a non-vegetarian who didn’t care about the treatment of animals raised and killed for human consumption. Even people who eat meat, aware on some level that the experience is unpleasant for the animals, will tell you they object to unnecessary abuse and cruelty. They declare that they buy only “humane” meat, “free-range” eggs and “organic” milk, perceiving themselves as ethical consumers and these products as the final frontier in the fight against animal cruelty. Though we kill over 10 billion land animals every year to please our palates, we never question the absurdity of this sacred societal ritual. Instead, we absolve ourselves by making what we think are guilt-free choices, failing to recognize the paradox of “humane slaughter” and never really knowing what the whole experience is for an animal from cradle (domestication) to grave (our bodies).
Though modern animal factories look nothing like what is idealized in children’s books and advertisements, there are also many misconceptions about the practices and principles of a “humane” operation. The unappetizing process of turning live animals into isolated body parts and ground-up chunks of flesh begins at birth and ends in youth, as the animals are babies when they are sent to slaughter, whether they are raised conventionally or in operations that are labeled “humane,” “sustainable,” “natural,” “free-range,” “cage-free,” “heritage-bred,” “grass-fed” or “organic.”
Whether it is a large or small enterprise, manipulating animals’ reproductive systems for human gain is at the heart of the animal agriculture industry. The keeping of male studs, the stimulation of the genitals, the collection of semen, the castrating of males, and the insemination into the female are not exactly on people’s minds when they sit down to dine. Many animals endure the stressful, often painful, and humiliating process of artificial insemination. Dairy cows are strapped into what the industry terms a “rape rack;” “natural turkeys” have to be artificially inseminated because their breasts are so large they’re unable to mate in the usual manner; and “free-range” egg farms perpetuate unthinkable cruelty by buying their hens from egg hatcheries that kill millions of day-old male chicks every year.
Dying to Live

Many who speak of “humane” meat are really referring to the conditions under which animals are raised—not killed. And there’s a big difference. When their bodies are fat enough for the dinner table, spent and overused from producing eggs and milk, and no longer useful in the way they were meant to be, as in the case of male studs on dairy farms, animals from both conventional and “humane” farms are all transported (first to the feedlot in the case of “beef cattle”) to the slaughterhouse. The transportation process is excruciating and often fatal. The only law designed to “protect” animals in transport is weak, forcing them to endure oppressive heat, bitter cold, stress, overcrowding, and respiratory problems from ammonia-laden urine.
Regardless of how they’re raised, all animals killed for the refrigerated aisles of the grocery store are sent to mechanized slaughterhouses where their lives are brutally ended. By law, animals must be slaughtered at USDA-certified facilities, where horrific acts of cruelty occur on a daily basis. Everyone from federal meat inspectors to slaughterhouse workers have admitted to routinely witnessing the strangling, beating, scalding, skinning, and butchering of live, fully conscious animals.
When we tell ourselves we’re eating meat from “humanely raised animals,” we’re leaving out a huge part of the equation. The slaughtering of an animal is a bloody and violent act, and death does not come easy for those who want to live.
Born to Die
As much as we don’t want to believe we are the cause of someone else’s suffering, our consumption of meat, dairy, eggs and other animal products perpetuates the pointless violence and unnecessary cruelty that is inherent in the deliberate breeding and killing of animals for human consumption. If we didn’t have a problem with it, we wouldn’t have to make up so many excuses and justifications. We dance around the truth, label our choices “humane,” and try to find some kind of compromise so we can have our meat and eat it, too.
The fundamental problems we keep running into do not arise merely from how we raise animals but that we eat animals. Clearly we can survive—and in fact, thrive—on a plant-based diet; we don’t need to kill animals to be healthy, and in fact animal fat and protein are linked with many human diseases. What does it say about us that when given the opportunity to prevent cruelty and violence, we choose to turn away—because of tradition, culture, habit, convenience or pleasure? We are not finding the answers we are looking for because we are asking the wrong questions.
The movement toward “humanely raised food animals” simply assuages our guilt more than it actually reduces animal suffering. If we truly want our actions to reflect the compassion for animals we say we have, then the answer is very simple. We can stop eating them. How can this possibly be considered anything but a rational and merciful response to a violent and vacuous ritual? Every animal born into this world for his or her flesh, eggs or milk—only to be killed for human pleasure—has the same desire for maternal comfort and protection, the same ability to feel pain, and the same impulse to live as any living creature. There’s nothing humane about breeding animals only to kill them, and there’s nothing humane about ending the life of a healthy animal in his or her youth. In short, there is nothing humane about eating meat.
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau founded Compassionate Cooks (http://www. compassionatecooks. com/) to empower people to make informed food choices and to debunk myths about eating vegan. Through cooking classes, podcasts, articles, and her first-of-its-kind cooking DVD, she shares the joys and benefits of a plant-based diet. She can be reached at ..
Posted by Denbeath at 8:36 AM 0 comments