Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Right now, pregnant wolves are among the targets in the escalating wolf hunt in the northern Rockies

Reposted with thanks to:
Kindness of Strangers

Stand Up To Cruelty
Targeting pregnant wolves....this is beyond sick.

Hunters are now targeting pregnant animals to drive them into extinction sooner...

What is happening in this country?

Why is this being allowed to continue by the Obama Administration?

Marla Stormwolf

Will You Help Run This Wolf Saving TV Ad?

Right now, pregnant wolves are among the targets in the escalating wolf hunt in the northern Rockies.
The Obama administration’s elimination of life-saving protections for these magnificent animals has already resulted in the shooting deaths of hundreds of wolves.
Help persuade President Obama to immediately stop this terrible killing.
Please donate now to run our new television ad on CNN and MSNBC in Washington, DC next week and help us fight to save these wolves.
We need to bring the message home to the president and his political advisors in the White House.

With your help, we’ll begin running our powerful new television ad in Washington while we keep fighting in the courts and on the ground.
We need to raise at least $120,000 by Monday to run this television ad narrated by actress and activist Ashley Judd and to expand our campaign. That means we need at least 70 caring people from California to donate right now. Will you help?Here’s what your donation will buy:$25 donation will help buy one part of an ad...$100 will pay for 20% a thirty-second spot.$500 will pay the full cost of a thirty-second spot.
Any donation will help support our work to save wolves and other wildlife.
With your help, we will air it over the next week on CNN and MSNBC in Washington, DC — two channels that will get the White House’s attention.
Please send whatever you can afford so we can buy the airtime today and keep fighting to save these and other imperiled animals.
For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Help us run the ad to persuade President Obama to restore protections. Anti-wolf groups in Idaho want more “predator derbies” targeting wolves. Legislators in the West want to open the door to aerial wolf-killing programs like those championed by former Governor Sarah Palin. We can’t let more wolves die.
Make a secure online donation now or call 1-800-385-9712 to help us convince President Obama to restore protections for wolves and fight in court and on the ground to save the lives of these and other imperiled animals.
To view the ad and donate, here is the link to the action page:


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