Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Puppy Burned, Beaten and Left for Dead Inspires New Legislation

It's hard to believe that the court system is leaving in the Perpetrator's  (Human Garbage) care..... an infant.  

Full Article: Here

Puppy Burned, Beaten and Left for Dead Inspires New Legislation

posted by: alicia graef

Last August an eight-week old pit-bull shepherd mix was found by a passer-by in Greenfield Park in Greensboro, North Carolina. She had second and third-degree burns covering more than 60 percent of her body, along with a broken jaw and teeth. More than 300 maggots found on her body left vets to conclude she had been left for dead two weeks prior.
Despite the severity of her injuries, the puppy who has since been named Susie, fought to live and was lucky enough to get taken in by the Guilford County Animal Shelter, receive extensive vet care and find a new loving home.
While what would push someone to commit these acts of cruelty is unfathomable to most people the guilty party here, Lashawn Whitehead, then 20, gave the explanation that the dog jumped on the couch next to his newborn and he just “lost it.” Yes, this man has a newborn baby too.
Whitehead was sentenced in March and received probation for animal cruelty and six-eight months in jail for setting personal property on fire. Despite the disturbing nature of the crime, the state’s laws currently only call for probation for a first offense.
Disappointed by the outcome of the sentencing, Susie’s supporters set out to gain support for tougher penalties for animal abusers in North Carolina with Susie’s Law, S.B. 254. Community members wrote lawmakers and canvassed neighborhoods with information packets about new legislation that would make animal abuse a Class F felony, which would allow judges to hand out a jail sentence to those convicted. Animal cruelty is currently a Class I felony, which doesn’t include jail time.
Advocates of the law are also pushing for tougher laws against animal abusers with the sentiment that it’s something that can benefit children and families as well. Animal abuse is a well-known predictor of violence towards humans and other crimes.
A few state representatives stepped up to sponsor the bill that passed the Judiciary III Committee and House of Representatives unanimously with bipartisan support this week. Susie’s Law is now on its way to the state Senate where it will either be sent on to the governor for a signature, or sent back to committee. If it’s signed into law, it will take effect on December 1.
Meanwhile, Susie’s reportedly working on campaigning for the law in her honor, in addition to training to be a therapy dog who will visit burn units, among other facilities.
Visit North Carolina Voters for Animal Welfare for more information on how to help.


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