Note To My Critics:

The links to the many sites that I've included contain information that I believe to be relevant, be it the graphics, the videos, the undercover investigations, etc. . Exposing & and ending the brutality and savagery inflicted on the non-human animals is what I am focused on. I strongly believe that every voice against animal abuse/exploitation is of value and -and- collectively we have the power to end it. I am here for the animals, not for anyone's approval and for that I make no apologies. ** I do not promote violence towards humans. ___________________________________________________ Bookmark and Share

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A video for each person who tries so hard to save just one dog

This video is for each and every person who tries so hard to save just one dog. What a beautiful story.

1 Comment:

Bea Elliott said...

Okay... now you got me bawling like a baby! What a beautiful story!!! Thanks for lightening my heart a bit! Yeah for Stanley!!!!

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