Personally, I was unable watch the full video. The evil people do and get away with makes me question what little faith I have left.
Note To My Critics:

Saturday, October 30, 2010
Kangaroo Massacre (VIDEO)
Posted by Denbeath at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Congress Takes Aim At Wolves
Wolf haters are at it again! This time trying to get Congress’s help!
In the wake of our recent victory in federal court restoring life-saving protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone – a move that blocked this year’s planned wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana – regional wolf haters are encouraging members of Congress to take matters into their own hands.
By acceding to the request to that they introduce legislation preventing wolves from being protected under the Endangered Species Act, certain lawmakers are actually proposing, for the first time ever, to deny Endangered Species Act protections to one particular named species.
Were such legislation to be enacted, it would threaten not only the future of wolves in the Northern Rockies, but also the very foundation of the Endangered Species Act. The precedent could be devastating to this country’s commitment to saving endangered species.
Speak out for sound, science-based management of Greater Yellowstone wolves and other imperiled wildlife. Take action now.
The threat of anti-wolf, anti-..endangered species legislation passing Congress in next month’s so-called lame duck session is imminent and very real.
Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg, who has a long record of opposing needed conservation programs, is planning legislation to return what would amount to unsupervised management of wolves to his state and Idaho, where groups like Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife are inciting anti-wolf hatred and pressuring local politicians to allow the killing of as many wolves as possible.
And Texas Congressman Chet Edwards has introduced a bill that would prohibit Endangered Species Act protections for all wolves in the Lower 48 United States! That would include endangered wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. If passed, the bill would threaten the very future of wild wolves in America.
And unfortunately that’s not all.
Even Montana Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester have been persuaded by anti-wolf, anti-..endangered species extremists to consider legislation. And as now worded, that legislation would also have lasting – and harmful – impacts on our wolves and on the Endangered Species Act’s ability to protect not just these animals but also other imperiled wildlife from extinction in the wild.
Take a stand for wolves and other imperiled wildlife. Sign our petition now.
With your help, Defenders of Wildlife has fought for decades to protect and restore endangered species. We’ve help return wolves to their native habitats, recognizing the important role these amazing animals play in maintaining balanced, healthy ecosystems. We’ve helped demonstrate the economic value of returning wolves to Yellowstone. And we’ve worked with ranchers throughout the West to allow wolves to successfully co-exist with livestock.
Now anti-wolf politics threaten to upset all of these accomplishments.. … and once again threaten wolves – and potentially numerous other species – with extinction in the wild.
Don’t let one of the greatest conservation victories of the last century be frittered away. And don’t let the nation’s commitment to saving endangered species be destroyed. Please take action now.
We need a strong show of support for sound, science-based wolf management, and for the Endangered Species Act, and we need it now. That’s why we’ve set an ambitious goal of sending 50,000 messages to Congress by the end of the week.
Will you help us meet this goal by lending your voice to the fight?
Sign the petition now and help ensure a lasting future for America’s wolves.
For the Wild Ones,

Defenders of Wildlife
To sign this petition, here is the link to it:
Posted by Denbeath at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: save wolves, wolves
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hydro man lands in jail over poodle rescue
Hydro man lands in jail over poodle rescue
Edwin Fry, 73, of Hydro, faces charges after springing his poodle from the pound with a lawn tractor and bolt cutters. The dog, Buddy Tough, was euthanized while his owner was in jail.
BY ANN KELLEY Oklahoman Comment on this article 247
Published: October 22, 2010
HYDRO — A Hydro man sprung his poodle from the pound using a lawn tractor and bolt cutters, only to land himself behind bars with no one to rescue him. And while he was in jail, his dog was put back in the pound and euthanized.
Edwin Fry, 73, said he wasn't going to let Buddy Tough rot in jail, but he didn't intend to pay the $100 fine to free him.
Instead, on Oct. 13 he drove his lawn mower to the town's kennel, cut through the cage with a large pair of bolt cutters and started home with Buddy Tough on his lap.
Fry's not denying what he did. He warned police to stay away from his dog and meant it, he said.
"I told them 'I don't advise you take my dog unless you want to face my shotgun,'" Fry said.
"They told me they were going to kill him — so there was no choice but to take matters into my own hands."
Hydro police officer Chris Chancellor said ever since two pit bull terriers killed a high school student's show calf three weeks ago, the department has been flooded with calls about unleashed dogs.
"We don't have the manpower to patrol for loose dogs, but we act on every complaint," Chancellor said.
Chancellor said there were numerous complaints about Fry's dog. One woman complained Buddy Tough was coming to her house and causing a ruckus with her dogs.
In a separate incident, a senior fell and injured herself trying to get Buddy Tough off her porch one night. After that, a resident caught the dog and brought him to the police station, he said.
Buddy Tough had already been in the city pound once before. That time, Fry paid the $50 fine and had him released.
The second offense would be a $100 fine, but Fry was told he could retrieve his dog, take the citation and sort out the fine in court, Chancellor said.
"I've been in law enforcement 20 years, and this is the first time I've known of anyone that has busted a dog out of jail," Chancellor said.
Chancellor said he saw Fry leaving the kennel with the dog, but didn't stop him right away.
"He'd threatened to shoot us before, so I approached him with caution," Chancellor said. "I was afraid he might have had a rifle with him."
Once Fry stopped, Chancellor held him at gunpoint.
"He stood up and had the dog in one arm and dropped the 3-foot bolt cutters he had in the other hand," Chancellor said.
Fry was arrested on complaints of second-degree burglary, trespassing and destruction of city property. Formal charges were not as stringent.
He faces a municipal charge of allowing an animal to run at-large, and a misdemeanor charge in Caddo County District Court of breaking and entering.
Fry spent several days in jail. His bail was set at $1,000 requiring a $100 deposit to a bondsman for release, but no one seemed willing to put up the money, Chancellor said.
Eventually, a Hydro resident came to his rescue.
While Fry was in jail, the dog was euthanized.
"He's flying now with the angels, and I know I'll see him again," Fry sa

Posted by Denbeath at 12:19 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mars Candy Co. -and- Animal Torture
Posted by Denbeath at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: animal abuse, lab animals
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Amish Puppy Mills
I first saw this video on a another blog:
A quote from a website about The Amish:
"The Amish are very devout in their faith. They believe in the literal interpretation and application of Scripture as the Word of God. Their families and their farms are their top priorities, second only to God."
I wonder how their God thinks of this?
Posted by Denbeath at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: puppy mills, The Amish
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Trespassing Hunters Kill People, Violate Rights, and Still Get Protection
Well, isn't this just lovely. Men out looking for bears to kill in northern Pennsylvania trespassed on another gun owner's land on Tuesday, and sometime after the latter man confronted the hunters, there was a shoot-out. The 63-year-old landowner (for the record, I hate this word and concept, but that's another matter entirely) is dead. And the 23-year-old who was on the other end of the shoot-out was injured.Violence breeds violence. It's a lot easier to kill your fellow humans when you're already in the habit of killing -- and when you're toting around lethal weapons for the purpose of killing.
And what else can result from hunters defiantly trespassing in their search for animals to kill? The property owners who try to stop them, even just verbally, can be arrested under hunter harassment laws. And no, I'm not kidding.
If you've never heard the story of what happened to attorney Jan Haagensen several years ago -- also a Pennsylvania resident -- I recommend you listen to the interviews she did with activist Anthony Marr about her continuing battles: part 1 is here and consists of a summary by Anthony, and part 2 is here and features Jan's firsthand accounts (also click the "more info" link in the sidebar on the right).
In short, Jan has dealt with trespassing hunters on her property for years, with police refusing to respond to her calls about the matter, and after those years of hunters trespassing on her property, intimidating her and her family, and even endangering them, an arrest was finally made: of Jan. For daring to approach trespassers on her land and demand that they stop hunting there, she was charged with violating the state's hunter harassment law. After a long and expensive legal process, including convictions, Jan was eventually cleared of all charges. But now, the trick is getting unconstitutional laws such as the one that led to Jan's arrest overturned. Again, I recommend checking out the earlier-mentioned interview. See also the summary and amicus brief from the ACLU in support of Jan here.
Laws such as the hunter harassment statutes in place all around the United States are set up to reinforce and protect violent, patriarchal systems. Those with the societal power and the inclinations to kill their fellow animals and oppress their fellow humans are given added power by these laws, which simultaneously strip those not in positions of power of their rights -- even their rights to something as supposedly inviolable as free speech. It comes down to this: If you support and perpetuate violence, you are not only allowed to keep doing that, but even encouraged and emboldened to keep doing that, without challenge. If you oppose violence, you are stripped of your right to even speak up against it or protect the victims of it. This is the nation we live in.

Posted by Denbeath at 10:20 AM 3 comments
Why Be Vegan? ~VIDEO~
A guide to cruelty free shopping:
Posted by Denbeath at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's burgeoning economy has resulted from flooding the world with cheap consumer products produced by a cheap unregulated work force. A fact that is understandable, having regard to its enormous population and fantastic work ethic. In turn, China has developed an insatiable appetite for raw product from other countries and governments keen to export to China are reluctant to criticise or offend the Chinese government.
Given this background, will your government impose economic sanctions against China or openly criticise the Chinese government or demand that it puts a stop to the Chinese cat and dog fur trade? Most unlikely. However, there will surely be individuals within governments, so incensed and horrified by the trade that they will support Our Cause.
The Chinese government is well aware of the economic power play behind the scenes. It also knows it has a long way to go earn acceptance from the free world. Make no mistake, China absolutely craves acceptance as a world leader that is trusted and respected and there are emerging signs that it is
The United States of America is still accepting skins from over seas, especially China, where the most incredibly brutal form of fur farming takes place, "LIVE ANIMAL SKINNING". Their reason for such a horrific crime against animals is that it is easier to take the fur from a warm, live animal. Sickening!!! The skins are processed for wear and formed into so called FASHION by some of the top designers in the U.S and around the world.
Sadly, it is the most inhumane form of fur farming, next to anal and genital electrocution. Head bashing, neck breaking are common with "LIVE ANIMAL SKINNING". Animals of all types have their heads bashed with sticks, metal rods, and many other blunt objects before being SKINNED ALIVE. Some are hoisted in the air by their back feet in order to have their heads pounded on the ground, very few die that way. They too, are then SKINNED ALIVE. After being SKINNED ALIVE, they are tossed aside like garbage to die a horrific and painful death.
In China, cats and dogs who were once someones pet are stolen from their homes just to be shoved in tiny cages. These animals are compacted so tightly that their little feet hang out and once they arrive at the factories, the cages are thrown from the tops of trucks with the animals inside, like sacks of garbage. In these scenarios, the animals legs, backs, and necks are broken and injured. They will suffer great pain with no veterinarian care before going to slaughter.
Cat and dog pelts sell for about US$1 each and every year, 2,000,000 cats and dogs suffer a horrific death, skinned alive for the pelts.
For what?
1. An insignificant contribution towards the Chinese economy - a few million US$; and
2. A clear message to the world that so long as the Chinese government permits the trade, China is not fit to take its place as a leading nation and certainly not one that is entitled to any trust or respect.The "adverse fallout" and abhorrence for the Chinese government resulting from the trade will far exceeds the paltry contribution it makes towards China's economy. It is in China's interest, to aboli\sh the trade.
It's our duty to tell the world about the trade and kick up such a stink that our message reverberates around the world.
Remember Tiananmen Square. Let's make this another Tiananmen Square - this time, for the animals.
My Goals Are To:
1. Make "LIVE ANIMAL SKINNING" Illegal in China & Worldwide
2. Stop the Fur Trade with China & Worldwide
3. Educate China about Animal Rights
4. Extend Animal Welfare to China
5. Give ALL Animals a Voice in China & Worldwide
"Animals Do Not Have A Voice Of Their Own. If We Do Not Stand Up And Speak For Them... Who Will?!"
~ Joan E Loza Mobry
Please sign the Petition. "It's the First Step in Our Fight!"
Read more:
Posted by Denbeath at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: animal abuse, cat fur, CHINESE FUR FARM, dog fur
You can help us change the life of millions of dogs.
You can help us change the life of millions of dogs.
consumption is the only way to put pressure on the South Korean
government to protect animal rights for real and ban the dog meat
industry in all forms. This petition will be presented to the Korean
officials in Seoul by the Korea Animal Rights Advocates when at least or
more than 1 million signatures have been collected.
People across the world are able to see the "Stop Killing Dogs" page in
English, French and in many other languages, and understand that it is
not a harmless ancient tradition or anything inevitable.

Posted by Denbeath at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: animal abuse, dog meat, Dogs
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Betrayed by The Doc Williams SPCA in Moncks Corner, South Carolina (Phone No: 843-761-0683)
Final Update: I met with Ms. Marcia Atkins, director of the Doc Williams SPCA in Moncks Corner, SC, today. Ms Marcia assured me that they do work with many rescue organizations, showed me a list of whom they work with. Some of the names were crossed out due to various reasons, i.e. not wanting to pay the $25 adoption fee that an organization would have to pay in order to adopt an animal from them. The locic: if you can’t even pay the $25, how will you be able to give the necessary care, considering the amount of money it takes to take care of an animal?
In order for them to work with a rescue, the rescue has to be a registered non-profit organization, has to fill out an application, send various information regarding their organization, and provide at least 3 references with contact information. Ms. Marcia showed me the paperwork from an organization that was faxed to her today.
Many rescue organizations they contact are not able/willing to take in animals that have aggression issues and those who do are already overfilled a lot of times.
They do not hand dogs over to an organization simply because that organization might specialize in a certain breed. If a dog is adoptable, they will keep that dog and adopt it out themselves because that’s where a lot of their funds are coming from. Even though these funds do, many times, not cover the cost it took to take care of an animal, they still rely heavily on these funds to keep their facility running. Therefore, they can not afford to just give animals away. The adoption center is also the one of the big reason why every animal can and will get a fair chance. According to Ms. Marcia, their adoption rate is very high.
Ms. Marcia led me through the facility and pointed out how many animals have been at their facility for how long. I saw all kinds of dogs, including a bunch a Pitbulls. Some of the dogs were owner surrenders, others were strays. One was being treated for heartworm, another for urinary tract infection. There were cats with their litters and a few litters of puppies, almost ready for the adoption center. The puppies were kept in a separate room because they don’t want for them to contract any diseases. The whole facility is kept very clean. I was there 4 or 5 times prior to today’s visit and the facility was always clean. The three times I showed up to do volunteer work, they were surprised to see me, and even then, the facility was always clean. In other words, they didn’t do a special cleaning just for today’s visit.
If a stray comes in that needs to be cleaned up, it’ll get a rabies shot first, then a bath. If the animal is too big of a mess, the groomer will come in or the animal will be taken to a groomer. If the animal needs medical attention, it will get it. An ex-employee at SPCA (colleague’s sister) confirms this.
Last Saturday, they spayed/neutered 128 animals. My husband can confirm this because he went to shelter and then to the adoption center to see if Precious might be there (that was before we knew that she didn’t “pass” the test). However, when he went to the adoption center, he saw a TON of cages inside and outside their Spay & Neuter Clinic, which is located directly beside the adoption center.
Their temperament tests for dogs consists of 5 or 6 different steps.
- They put a dog in a room and introduce him/her to another dog.
- They introduce food while the two dogs are in the same room together.
- Depending on the reactions, they might put the “test dog” back in the cage and introduce food while the dog is in the cage. While the dog is eating, they reach in there to see how the dog reacts. According to Ms. Karen, who also conducts these tests, she uses her own hands because the rubber hands they had, got tore up and they didn’t get around to ordering new ones yet.
- They put the “test dog” on the leash and walk him/her by other dogs and other animals.
I can’t remember the other steps…however, no animal passes or fails. They also take the shelter atmosphere into consideration and make notes of how an animal reacts toward what. Depending on these reactions, it is being determined if an animal can safely be adopted out. I was shown a dog on their website that shouldn’t be with small children, yet he/she will be adopted out because of the way the dog’s overall positive reaction and his/her positive reaction toward “taller” people. Another one she showed me is shy and should be approached gently, yet he/she will be adopted out.
Any owner surrender will be tested regardless of what kind of issues the owner claims the dog might have. Yes, Ms. Karen will look at the report, but she also does take every owner’s claims with a grain of salt as many owners are simply not truthful and will find any reason/excuse to get rid of an animal. Some owners try to make themselves feel better by finding an excuse as to why they can’t keep an animal. Many times she can’t confirm the owner’s claims when she tests the animal.
When she talked to me, she looked straight at me, her eyes didn’t shift, and she struck me as a person with a warm personality. She struck me like someone who really gets into the animals, and she seemed honest.
Even though they do everything possible for the animals at their facility, Ms. Marcia did point out that they do stress on their website, that all other resources and options should be considered first prior to taking an animal to the SPCA. If you can’t keep an animal for whatever reason, re-homing yourself is always the best option, unless it comes to aggression. When it comes to aggression, one has to be honest with themselves, know his/her limits, and sometimes make tough decisions. She also said, if more people would be honest with themselves, instead of thinking they can “handle” it, maybe we wouldn’t have to read headlines such as “2-year old mauled to death”.
I still believe that every dog can be turned around, but there simply aren’t enough Cesars and Jasons out there………..
Everything both ladies told me made sense and from what I can see and what I heard, they ARE doing an EXCELLENT job with the animals.
I do have a problem with one thing though and that is their follow-up policy. As mentioned during my earlier posts/messages, once you sign an animal over, no follow up will be permitted (I guess with all the noise we made (you all and I), our case was an exception).
I asked Ms. Marcia to please consider changing their policy and offered my volunteer services to give people a chance to follow up on their animal. She told me that my services could be utilized better with working with the animals and I somewhat agree with her. However, if you work with animals, sometimes you REALLY have to consider the humans too. Some people drop their animals off w/o even thinking about it twice but then there are those whose hearts are broken by simply having to part from an animal.
My husband and I, taking pet “ownership” very seriously and belong to those who were heart-broken. We were scanning the websites, hoping to find Precious, not knowing that we really were looking for a dead dog….. Not knowing and scanning was torture. Yes, knowing that she couldn’t be adopted out breaks our hearts too, but at least now we know. We will never forget, but now we can move on.
Thanks to Ms. Marcia and Ms. Karen for taking the time to talk/explain and for showing me around, and most of all, for letting me know what happened to Precious.
Thanks to you all my friends for your support. It’s really good to know that there is a great group of people out there than can be counted upon when the need arises. I truly appreciate every one of you.
Now, I need your help clearing the Doc Williams SPCA name. So, go spread the word and tell everyone that my suspicions and accusations were unfounded, unless you think that those two ladies are just really good actors/liars. I have the strong feeling they were honest though, they both seemed sincere.
So, Ms. Marcia, how about that policy change – PLEASE ;-)!UPDATE:
just my opinion.
We realize that a person like Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, or Jason Flatt, founder of the Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull Rescue, could have maybe turned our girl around, but let's face it, how many of those guys are out there.....Would Precious have been happy with a "regular" person even if she could've been the only dog? Would she have respected that person as a leader or would she have caused serious harm some day? I guess we'll never know; I just wish the whole world was full of Cesars and Jasons.
While we will always have to live with the guilt of having taken her to the SPCA, convinced that she would pass the test, are deeply saddened, and are still wrecking our brains as to what we could have done differently and better, we still can't figure it out. Between my husband and me, we have a life time of dog experience but never ran into a girl like our Precious. We currently have a pack of 4 dogs who listen at the snap of our fingers and are very relaxed and balanced. We never ran into a dog before who had good and bad days. On a good day, she would NOT vibrate the other dogs out of a certain space that she decided to claim. On a bad day (almost daily), she could clean out the whole house, including Brutus whom she loved, with just her vibrations and if vibrations alone didn't to the trick, little snaps would follow. We felt the vibes too and heard the snaps, corrected the situation every time the way we did with every other dog so far, but our previously very successful methods faced Precious only very briefly. She was not like every other dog. Seems she felt like she always needed to be on the guard and watch out for herself and especially me even though none of the other dogs ever challenged her for food or leadership and I tried my very best to display my leadership qualities. Philly is also very attached to me and I’m sure she felt that. Philly, however, while he lets out little growls every so often, never stands his ground to anyone and just leaves the area. Philly doesn't get into anyone's face not does he vibrate anyone out of any areas. He doesn't claim any areas or me; none of the other dogs do. We controlled the food, toys, etc. We don't prepare food unless everyone is relaxed and settled down. Everyone would be relaxed and settled down, except Precious. Food preparation would take a while because every time she got up, we interrupted the food preparation and asked her to sit and settle down again. Again, on a good day, the process would go fairly smooth, on a bad day, she would try to out-stubborn us by not backing off, by not sitting down, etc.. We never let her succeed with her stubborn tactics, always pulled through with our requests, and praised when the wanted behavior was displayed. We claimed the spaces that she tried to claim for herself, wouldn’t let her go on the couch on her own anymore, unless permitted by us, etc. etc. etc. These battles were going on as long as we had her. The only command that she listened to EVERY time was the "spit it out" command. She could be all the way across the yard but every time I used that command, she’d spit out whatever she was chewing on and roll over to let me know that I could have it. I tried to use the same tone of voice and assertiveness with all the other commands – no success. And it’s not that she didn’t get it; she was highly intelligent and proved many times that she got it and that she got it quick. It really seemed like though as if she, a lot of times, didn’t feel like it; testing us. Is this normal behavior for this kind of breed and does this kind of breed really need completely different leadership than any other dog we ever ran across? Does the breed have nothing to do with it? Did she have issues because of her past? Did we instill those issues in her? We really wish we could’ve afforded a specialist and we really wish we didn’t have to work for a living and that we could’ve spent a lot more time with her. Maybe that would’ve done the trick. We would have LOVED to keep that dog and see her succeed, especially since she was very, very human friendly and affectionate. We’ll never forget that wiggly little behind and how happy she looked when she came running toward us. RIP Precious.
To confirm her words, Ms. Atkins invited me to their facility because, so she said, she would love to show me what they do, how they do it, that they have nothing to hide, that they do their very best for every animal, that they do have a professional staff that does not discriminate against Pitbulls or any other breed, and that they are currently holding 15 Pitbulls at their facility. She also told me that she is a Pitbull care taker herself; of a Pitbull she adopted from their facility.
So, after tomorrow’s visit, I will hopefully be able to inform the world that my suspicions and accusations were wrong and that the Doc Williams SPCA in Moncks Corner, SC is doing an EXCELLENT job.
I’ll keep you in the loop.
did to them is reprehensible, AN UNFORGIVABLE BETRAYAL. They deceived my brother and his wife lolling them into a false sense of security, assuring them that Precious would be okay and then they killed her. This is unforgivable.
Doc Williams SPCA
502 Cypress Gardens Rd.
Moncks Corner, SC. 29461
Please Sign The Petition:
Posted by Denbeath at 5:49 PM 10 comments
Labels: animal shelter abuse, pit bull
Tea Party activists in Missouri are fighting against a bill to outlaw the most cruel practices of the puppy mill industry.
Puppy mills are commercial breeding enterprises that take the same approach to breeding companion animals that factory farms take to raising animals for food: cramming them into cages, breeding them constantly with no rest, and neglecting their nutrition and veterinary needs.
Puppy mills are so heinous, and their victims so universally loved that even the most militant anti-animal rights, meat-loving conservatives will still rail against them. Even Dean Koontz - a writer who has spoken out loudly against animal rights initiatives - feels activism is important when puppy mills are concerned.
So when a ballot initiative is introduced in the "puppy mill capital of the country" (according to the Better Business Bureau) that attempts to establish minimal standards for the treatment of dogs by breeders, Tea Party leaders in Missouri spoke out against the measure.
Did they speak out because the bill didn't go far enough? Did they speak out because they want puppy mills shut down entirely and not just reformed? No, leaders associated with the Tea Party, the newest and most frightening right-wing political phenomenon, are digging in their heels in a fight against what they call "radical" animal rights legislation.
They believe the ballot measure, Proposition B, is a covert attempt to eliminate pets altogether and also attack animal agriculture.
The Alliance for Truth, the primary group fighting Prop B, says that HSUS's goal is "only to raise the cost of breeding dogs, making it ever-more difficult for middle-class American families to be dog-owners".
Well, what exactly are the "radical" requirements that the Tea Party thinks will be the end of pet ownership? Well, to quote from the text of the bill:
- "Sufficient food and clean water.
- Necessary veterinary care.
- Sufficient housing, including protection from the elements.
- Sufficient space to turn and stretch freely, lie down, and fully extend his or her limbs.
- Regular exercise.
- Adequate rest between breeding cycles."
The reforms are far from "radical". In fact, I'd call this a watered-down initiative. Instead of addressing the problems of supporting commercial breeders, Prop B simply presses for very modest reforms.
According to HSUS' numbers, up to four million pets are euthanized every year in America. Why are there any commercial breeders when so many animals are dying in shelters every year? Why aren't we advocating for an end to puppy mills altogether?
As long as commercial breeding enterprises exist, the people who operate them will provide the bare minimum of care for their animals. The solution is to end puppy mills altogether, not regulate them into a negligibly higher standard of care.
If you want to help companion animals, adopt homeless animals from shelters and do not support commercial breeders.Tea Party leaders may think this initiative is too radical, but from where I'm sitting it's too weak. They're opposing the bill because it goes too far, and I can't support it because it doesn't go far enough to protect animals. The Tea Party thinks animals don't deserve our protection, and I think they deserve more protection than anyone is trying to give them right now.

Posted by Denbeath at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Animals Said to Have Spiritual Experiences
Animals Said to Have Spiritual Experiences
Ever have an out-of-body experience? Your dog may have too.
By Jennifer Viegas | Fri Oct 8, 2010 07:00 AM ET
Animals (not just people) likely have spiritual experiences, according to a prominent neurologist who has analyzed the processes of spiritual sensation for over three decades.
Research suggests that spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain -- areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.
The trick, of course, lies in proving animals' experiences.
"Since only humans are capable of language that can communicate the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences," Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, told Discovery News.
"Despite this limitation, it is still reasonable to conclude that since the most primitive areas of our brain happen to be the spiritual, then we can expect that animals are also capable of spiritual experiences," added Nelson, author of the book "The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain," which will be published in January 2011.
The finding is an extension of his research on humans, which has been published in many peer-reviewed journals. A Neurology journal study, for example, determined that out-of-body experiences in humans are likely caused by the brain's arousal system, which regulates different states of consciousness.
"In humans, we know that if we disrupt the (brain) region where vision, sense of motion, orientation in the Earth's gravitational field, and knowing the position of our body all come together, then out-of-body experiences can be caused literally by the flip of a switch," he said. "There is absolutely no reason to believe it is any different for a dog, cat, or primate’s brain."
Other mammals also probably have near-death experiences comparable to those reported by certain humans, he believes. Such people often say they saw a light and felt as though they were moving down a tunnel.
The tunnel phenomenon "is caused by the eye's susceptibility to the low blood flow that occurs with fainting or cardiac arrest," he said. "As blood flow diminishes, vision fails peripherally first. There is no reason to believe that other animals are any different from us."
Nelson added, "What they make of the tunnel is another matter."
The light aspect of near-death experiences can be explained by how the visual system defines REM (rapid eye movement) consciousness, he believes.
"In fact," he said, "the link between REM and the physiological crises causing near-death experience are most strongly linked in animals, like cats and rats, which we can study in the laboratory."
Mystical experiences -- moments that inspire a sense of mystery and wonderment -- arise within the limbic system, he said. When specific parts of this system are removed from animal brains, mind-altering drugs like LSD have no effect.
Since other animals, such as non-human primates, horses, cats and dogs, also possess similar brain structures, it is possible that they too experience mystical moments, and may even have a sense of spiritual oneness, according to Nelson.
Marc Bekoff, a professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, also believes animals have spiritual experiences, which he defines as experiences that are nonmaterial, intangible, introspective and comparable to what humans have.
Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains. Some of the chimps even appear to dance themselves into a trance-like state, as some humans do during religious and cultural rituals.
Goodall wondered, "Is it not possible that these (chimpanzee) performances are stimulated by feelings akin to wonder and awe? After a waterfall display the performer may sit on a rock, his eyes following the falling water. What is it, this water?"
"Perhaps numerous animals engage in these rituals, but we haven't been lucky enough to see them," Bekoff wrote in a Psychology Today report.
"For now, let's keep the door open to the idea that animals can be spiritual beings and let's consider the evidence for such a claim," he added.
"Meager as it is, available evidence says, 'Yes, animals can have spiritual experiences,' and we need to conduct further research and engage in interdisciplinary discussions before we say that animals cannot and do not experience spirituality."
Discovery News

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